How to Survive in The Woods

How to Survive in The Woods
Survival situations can be downright scary. Even the most prepared individuals can find themselves being shook to their very core by the mental and emotional stress that emergencies bring about. If you aren’t already prepared, the situation can become even more stressful, and potentially fatal depending on the severity of your emergency.

In How to Survive in the Woods, I am going to show you essential life-saving strategies that will serve you in times of need. While this book is geared toward maximum survival needs, which would have you living in the woods for an extended period of time, it is useful for all emergencies.

Being prepared can be the difference between life or death in many circumstances, even at-home emergencies we may face. Having the knowledge you need to survive even the most dire emergencies means that you will have the knowledge and confidence you need to survive much smaller emergencies, too.

Throughout the chapters of How to Survive in the Woods we discuss different survival needs and methods and how to fulfill them with both conventional tools, and improv tools that you may need to “make up as you go.” This way, you can start to see the benefit of everything around you, and apply the creative can-do mentality that is needed in survival situations.

The specific topics we cover in How to Survive in the Woods include:

– Why you would need to survive in the woods (and why the woods are the best place to go)

– Different emergencies and the circumstances they can create

– The difference between bugging out and bugging in

– The most important elements of survival

– What you need to meet those elements of survival

– How to pick the right spot for your camp, and how to secure it

– Important safety and protection skills you need for in the woods

– How to acquire, store, and prep food safely (including hunting tips)

– What you can cook with minimal ingredients

– How to start a garden in the woods (and how to grow it all the way to harvest)

– Essential medicines you can create from plants

– The importance of canning, and what types of foods you can preserve and how

As I promised, everything you need to survive any circumstance in the woods is outlined here. From finding the right spot for camp and preparing your shelter, to feeding yourself and treating illnesses and injuries, you can find it all inside the pages of How to Survive in the Woods. To make it that much better, each chapter ends in specific action steps you can take to prepare yourself and your family today.

If you are ready to discover the art of survival and to start taking tangible action toward protecting yourself and your family from any situation, such as a disaster or a societal collapse, this is the go-to book that will prepare you. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Email from the Future

Email from the Future

A heartfelt, hopeful, and often humorous novel, Email From the Future blends fact and fiction to spin a detailed story of the future. From climate change, education, space travel, and religion to sex, food, politics and gaming, acclaimed futurist Michael Rogers describes the world of 2084. And how we can survive long enough to actually get there. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Canning Mastery – 3 Books In 1 – My Complete guide to Water Bath and Pressure Canning including Delicious Recipes and Tips for Canning Safely

Canning Mastery - 3 Books In 1 - My Complete guide to Water Bath and Pressure Canning including Delicious Recipes and Tips for Canning Safely


This compilation book includes:

Book 1: Pressure Canning Without the Danger! Your Comprehensive Guide to Safely Using Your Pressure Canner. With Tips, Tricks, and USDA Guidelines to Help You Use Your Pressure Canner Without Risks!

Book 2: The Essential Guide To Pressure Canning for Beginners! All-In-One cookbook with Safe, Easy, and Delicious Recipes for Meals in a Jar! Successfully Can Meat, Soup, Vegetables, and So Much More!

Book 3: Water Bath Canning for Beginners and Beyond! The Essential Guide to Safe Water Bath Canning at Home. Easy and Delicious Recipes for Jams, Jellies, Salsas, Pickled Vegetables, and More!
$1.99 on Kindle.
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Water Bath Canning for Beginners and Beyond!: The Essential Guide to Safe Water Bath Canning at Home. Easy and Delicious Recipes for Jams, Jellies, Salsas, Pickled Vegetables, and More!

Water Bath Canning for Beginners and Beyond!: The Essential Guide to Safe Water Bath Canning at Home. Easy and Delicious Recipes for Jams, Jellies, Salsas, Pickled Vegetables, and More!

The Best and Safest Water Bath Canning Guide for Beginners! – Know That You’re On The Right Track With This Step-By-Step Guide! Plus Delicious, Practical, and Healthy Recipes

Are you sick and tired of throwing away food you just bought a few days ago? Fruit can be expensive, and when it expires, you might as well be throwing away your money. If you want to save food, time, and energy, then this book is for you. Once you learn how to water bath can, you will never have to worry about expiration dates again. The best part? Water bath canners are so easy to work they’ll completely reinvent your relationship with cooking.

Also, canning works to your schedule. Never throw away expensive produce again. Once that jar is sealed, the product is good. Give yourself the option of having choice when it comes to food.

Everyone wants that. In Water Bath Canning for Beginners and Beyond, get simple and precise step-by-step instructions along with healthy, delicious, and practical recipes!

Author Linda Johnson is a canning and food preservation expert that has been practicing these methods for years! She’s a well-seasoned veteran who knows the ins and outs and wants to share her knowledge with everyone so they can benefit from the convenience of canning.

In Water Bath Canning for Beginners and Beyond, you’ll discover:
• Tips and tricks from an expert: Author Linda Johnson has years of experience under her belt, so you can ensure that you’re getting the absolute best information. Everything in this book has been tried and tested by Linda herself!
• Ingredient substitutes: Find healthy alternatives to your favorite recipes!
• Secrets to meal prep success: Hassle free cooking and planning!
• Safety first: Safe and modern canning practices, within USDA guidelines. Know that you’re in safe hands and start water bath canning with confidence!
• Practical recipes with local ingredients: Recipes use ingredients that are already in your pantry! Get started immediately and say goodbye to impromptu grocery trips.
• Easy to prepare recipes: Every recipe in this book is beginner-friendly and perfect for busy people! Stick to your hectic lifestyle while enjoying the convenience of homemade canned goods.
Find the solutions to all your water bath canning problems in this book! Whether this is your first time canning or you’re a veteran looking to learn new techniques, this book has got you covered.
Scroll up, Click on “Buy Now”, and Get Your Copy Now!
$0.99 on Kindle.
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The Plant Based On A Budget Cookbook: 200 Money Saving, Simple, & Easy Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes For Under $100 A Week

The Plant Based On A Budget Cookbook: 200 Money Saving, Simple, & Easy Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes For Under $100 A Week

For people who want to eat, look, and feel healthier — here’s the secret to a sustainable plant-based diet.

Thinking of going vegan, but anxious about the price tag?

Or are you already eating a plant-based diet and simply feeling a bit “uninspired”?

How would you like to have delicious and healthy food at every single meal, without breaking the bank?

If you’d like to keep a healthy weight with a plant-based diet that’s affordable, then what you’re about to read may surprise you:

You don’t need to buy organic foods.

In fact, in some cases, you shouldn’t buy organic.

Just like you shouldn’t feel like you’re starving yourself… or struggling with what to make… or stuck eating the same tasteless greens day in, day out.

But so many people who switch to plant-based diets do those exact things. This is probably why over 70% of new vegans and vegetarians end up going back to eating meat and other animal products, according to the Humane Research Council.

Now, if you’ve already made the transition to plant-based, chances are you know all too well why it’s so hard to stay on track.

The trouble is nobody wants to have to “deprive” themselves of their favorite foods. After all, you can’t spend the rest of your life on a restrictive meal plan.

And even if you do manage to conquer your cravings… you still have to worry about the grocery bill. Simply put, going plant-based isn’t just tough on the mind (and stomach) – it can also be hard on your wallet.

But this doesn’t mean you should just give up completely on eating healthy… or try to “trick” yourself into liking the taste of raw broccoli.

All you need is a sustainable eating plan that makes it easy to cook up restaurant-quality plant-based meals for as little as $25 a week — no specialty items needed.

In The Plant-Based Cookbook on a Budget, you will discover:

  • A straightforward 7-day meal plan template to simplify your switch to plant-based eating
  • 11 tips for living on a plant-based diet without going broke
    The 5 basic food groups that every dietary vegan should stick to
  • How plant-based diets can contribute to weight loss
  • 50 delightful breakfast recipes to help you kick off your day
  • The “unspoken” truth about organic foods — are they really better for you?
  • How to fool yourself into eating less
  • 30+ tasty dessert ideas that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth, without the guilt
  • 7 benefits of going plant-based — #3 might just blow your mind
  • FREE bonus 30-Day Plant-Based Challenge and Nutrient Cheat Sheet to jumpstart your plant-based lifestyle with confidence
    And much more.

Eating plant-based is not a gimmick, and it’s not just “any other diet” – it’s a way of living that not only keeps you healthier but can also end up saving you money in the long run, too.

But only if you do it the right way.

So it’s up to you.

You can continue fighting with yourself over what you should and should not eat… OR you can finally make plant-based eating a natural part of your everyday life.

$2.99 on Kindle.
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The Essential Guide to Pressure Canning for Beginners: All-In-One Cookbook with Safe, Easy, and Delicious Recipes for Meals in a Jar! Successfully Can Meat, Soup, Vegetables, and So Much More!

The Essential Guide to Pressure Canning for Beginners: All-In-One Cookbook with Safe, Easy, and Delicious Recipes for Meals in a Jar! Successfully Can Meat, Soup, Vegetables, and So Much More!
Find the best and safest ways to pressure can quick, practical, and tasty meals! Featuring accurate measurements and practical ingredients you already have in your pantry, this book makes pressure canning easier than ever before.
– Tips and tricks from an expert
– Easy and delicious recipes in a flash!
– Pressure canning 101
Up-to-date information, accurate measurements, and beginner-friendly explanations $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Only Plant Based Diet For Beginners Cookbook You Will Ever Need: 650 Easy, Quick & Simple Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes With A 31 Day Meal Plan To Lose Weight And Live A Healthy Life

The Only Plant Based Diet For Beginners Cookbook You Will Ever Need: 650 Easy, Quick & Simple Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes With A 31 Day Meal Plan To Lose Weight And Live A Healthy Life

Discover how to revitalize your health, lose unwanted pounds, and boost your happiness without following a stressful diet
Do you want to remedy your ailments, boost your immune system, and feel more energized throughout your days?

Are you looking for ways to lose those excess pounds that make you feel like you want to crawl out of your own skin?

And maybe, you’ve thought of doing it the natural way?

If you’ve been led to believe that the answer to health lies in drug prescriptions and new-age diets that have only been created to fail, it’s time to reframe these beliefs.

The truth is, there’s no magic key to solving your health problems.

Health goes far beyond a one-size-fits-all approach.

Let go of the idea of a quick fix – your overall health depends on your whole lifestyle.

In fact, dietary companies, food industries, and pharma industries are set up for monetization of your losses – they know you’re going to fail before you even start.

The strict guidelines of modern fat-loss programs and diets only create unnecessary stress on your body and bring up feelings of guilt, shame, and failure – in fact, 95% of people fail on these diets.

Finally, a comprehensive plant-based cookbook with super simple yet flavorsome recipes to boost your overall health has been created.

In The Only Plant-Based Diet for Beginners Cookbook You Will Ever Need, you will discover:

A compelling 4-week plan to transition to a plant-based diet with ease
How to stock up your pantry to stick to your plant-based diet journey without losing motivation or malnourishing your body
650 delicious recipes to prepare for you and your family – even your kids are going to love these!
How to enjoy the ‘same’ meals as everyone else around you without feeling restricted or limited
How to use 5 essential ingredients to prepare balanced and nutritious plant-based meals packed with flavor
Why being plant-based is exactly what you need if you want to live healthier, happier, and always charged with positive energy
An index to make mouthwatering recipes based on ingredients you can easily find that is already in your kitchen
And much more.

As Hippocrates said: “Let your food be thy medicine and thy medicine be your food.”

You have the choice to decide how to fuel your body daily.

Why eat junk food that only depletes you of your energy, health, and joy, when you can live a more fruitful life eating food that actually serves you well?

In the long run, you’re going to save yourself thousands of dollars on doctors’ appointments while boosting your quality of life.
$2.99 on Kindle.
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The 15 Minute Plant-Based Diet: The Ultimate Cookbook With 600 Quick & Easy Recipes for Beginners. From Prep to Table in 15 Minutes or Less

The 15 Minute Plant-Based Diet: The Ultimate Cookbook With 600 Quick & Easy Recipes for Beginners. From Prep to Table in 15 Minutes or Less

Are you looking for the perfect cookbook that can help you with your Plant-based diet? No need to worry! We’ve got you covered.
This cookbook is here to share all of the best Plant-based Diet recipes in a neat and easy-to-read way. So no matter what your dietary requirement, you will surely get along with every formula it contains.

A plant-based diet is a popular diet among many people nowadays. It is because our bodies have rapidly evolved. Our ancestors’ diet includes many meat and meat products, so they consumed more calories and fat every day than us. However, we are still moving in that direction.

The idea of being a plant-based dieter is not only to support animals but also to support your health, mind, and most importantly, your soul as well! This cookbook contains healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and up to dessert. You can easily prepare all of these at home without going to a healthy food store in your neighborhood!

This book covers:
Benefits of Plant-Based Diet
Breakfast Recipes
Lunch Recipes
Dinner Recipes
Salad and Soup Recipes
Snack Recipes
Dessert Recipes
Appetizer Recipes
Smoothie Recipes
Juice Recipes
And much more…

Are you ready to start your diet journey today? Let’s get started! Scroll down on each page, and you will find out that many tasty recipes are lying in each one of them. You can choose one or two or all of them. It is totally up to you, but I highly recommend trying everything and mixing things up a little bit sometimes.

Suppose you are prepared to dive into a healthier way of living and eating. In that case, all you have to do is scroll up and look at the table of contents to find what recipe or dish you want to prepare first.

A lot of people on the internet have found success with the plant-based diet. So if you haven’t yet, you can give it a try and see for yourself that it helps.

My Blog site: $1.99 on Kindle.
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Practical Survival Skills: Nature’s Larder – Wild foods survival guide

Practical Survival Skills: Nature's Larder - Wild foods survival guideWith this comprehensive wilderness food guide, you can guarantee your survival and eat well in the wild Nature already has everything you need to survive. You just need to know where to look for food, how to identify what will save you and what will kill you, and how to gather it at no risk to your safety. Nature’s larder is abundant in all kinds of nourishing treats. But there are also a number of look-alike poisonous species you need to know about.

In Practical Survival Skills, you will discover:
– A portable guide with essential information on how to discover the abundance that nature’s larder has to offer
– How to perform the universal edibility test — discover the poisonous species before it’s too late
– The basic foraging and bushcraft skills for every survivalist, hiker, and outdoor enthusiast out there
– The easy plant identification technique –discover edible plant families and know what NOT to forage
– How to make your own tools and utensils, traps and weapons, and cooking equipment absolutely from scratch
– Everything you need to know to find, gather, and purify water that’s drinkable if you get lost in the wilderness for a long time
– A comprehensive survival foods index with plants, berries, roots,
herbs, and protein sources you can find anywhere around the world And much
more. When you prepare today, you invest in a safer tomorrow. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Israeli Cookbook: Mouthwatering, World Class Israeli Recipes for You and Your Family

Israeli Cookbook: Mouthwatering, World Class Israeli Recipes for You and Your Family
Academics and food critics still debate whether true Israeli cuisine exists or not. While this debate is ongoing, Israelis have been developing and enjoying delicious food. Israelis use their society and culture to develop these foods. This cuisine is an example of a melting pot. Jews hail from many countries and have travelled across the globe, before they returned to Israel, their ancient land. They brought different recipes and foods they came across during their travels. These new recipes mingled with other dietary laws, rules and native ingredients Jews use. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Vegan: Ice Cream Vegan Recipes for Vegetarians and Raw Vegans that are Delicious and Soul Satisfying

Vegan: Ice Cream Vegan Recipes for Vegetarians and Raw Vegans that are Delicious and Soul Satisfying
This book is for anyone who wants to go vegan but is afraid of living life without one of life’s great pleasures – ICE CREAM. Let this book open your mind to the possibilities of Vegan Ice Cream recipes. It has a list of vegan recipes that include vegan sorbet and slush recipes, vegan fruit ice cream recipes, vegan sundae recipes etc. $4.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Sheet Pan Cookbook: 100 Delicious, Easy, One-Pan Recipes with Minimal Cleanup, Straight for the Oven

Sheet Pan Cookbook: 100 Delicious, Easy, One-Pan Recipes with Minimal Cleanup, Straight for the Oven
Are you intrigued by the idea of preparing meals in a sheet pan but can’t think of more than a few recipes you can follow?

And are you looking for a cookbook that will help you add more options to ensure you never have to get bored with preparing the same meals?

If you’ve answered YES,

This Book Will Easily Transform Your Cooking Overnight By Giving You More Than Enough Mouthwatering Sheet Pan Recipe Options! Free on Kindle.
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The CROCKPOT Cookbook

The CROCKPOT Cookbook
In The CROCKPOT Cookbook, you’ll find perfect meals for those busy weekdays when it’s a struggle to get dinner on the table, cozy and comforting for cooler days, or light and fresh for summer days. There’s something for everyone! Crockpot pasta, soups, tacos, slow cooker ribs, pork, chicken, or beef. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Counteract the Fat: Discover how Fiber and Antioxidants can Counteract the Physiological Effects of Junk Foods

counteract fat

Many of us love junk foods. What we don’t love are the medical conditions & weight gain that they are associated with. Research findings made at various institutions indicate that fiber & antioxidants can counteract the physiological effects of junk foods. This does not mean that we can eat unlimited amounts of fat every day. What it does mean is that we can have greater freedom in making food choices. This book is a compilation of these research findings, providing cutting edge information on how fiber & antioxidants can help prevent medical conditions & weight gain associated with high-fat & other unhealthy great-tasting foods. The MANY concepts discussed include:

  • High-fat foods produce cholesterol-related acids that can clog arteries & raise cholesterol levels. Fiber counteracts that effect by nabbing cholesterol-related acids & removing them from our bodies, promoting healthy cholesterol levels & reducing our risk of heart disease.
  • The excess calories in high-fat foods can increase our risk of obesity. Fiber counteracts that effect by nabbing calories before they can be stored as fat, making it harder to gain weight & reducing our risk of obesity.
  • High-fat foods increase our exposure to “free radicals,” which damage human cells. Antioxidants counteract that effect by neutralizing free radicals, preventing & reversing cellular damage & reducing our risk of cancer, heart disease & other conditions.
  • The excess calories in high-fat foods increase our risk of obesity. Antioxidants counteract that effect by giving our bodies the energy needed to burn fat more efficiently, making it harder to gain weight & reducing our risk of obesity.
  • High-fat foods can trigger heart attacks by causing blood clotting elements known as “platelets” to become more adhesive & clump together, triggering the formation of abnormal blood clots in the heart artery. Fiber counteracts that effect by speeding blood clot-dissolving mechanisms, decreasing the likelihood that abnormal blood clots will lead to heart attacks.

The book is based on research findings from  the following institutions:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland
The Naylor Dana Institute of the American Health Foundation
The University of Minnesota in St. Paul
The University of Florida College of Medicine
The University of Kentucky College of Medicine
The USANA Research Laboratories in Utah
The Cardiology Research Institute in Moscow
The National Institutes of Health
Boston University School of Medicine
The Strang Cancer Research Laboratory in New York
Rutgers University in New Brunswick
The University of Minnesota in Minneapolis
Cornell University Medical College in New York
The University of Toronto
Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C.
The University of New Hampshire in Durham
Oregon Health Sciences University

$17.98 in Paperback
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Best Holiday Dishes for the Vegans in Your Life

Best Holiday Dishes for the Vegans in Your Life

Amanda Leeber’s festive holiday cookbook shows you how to incorporate nutrition-rich and delicious meals using plant-based, whole food ingredients that are better for you and still worthy of your holiday table.

This easy to follow cookbook is meat and dairy-free. It includes gluten-free, paleo and freezer-friendly recipes so you can prepare these delicious meals in advance to save you time and reduce your stress during the holidays.

This cookbook was designed especially for home cooks who will be ready to open their kitchens to vegan recipes, healthier favorites, and guests with multiple dietary restrictions.

Best Holiday Dishes for the Vegans in Your Life includes:
• Menu plans for the 7 most popular holidays in the U.S.
• Accessible meals that are good for your health and the environment, including burgers, pastas, stew, mushroom wellington, steak and potatoes, stuffed bell peppers, frittata, flatbread, cake, pie, cookies, chocolates, truffles, and even a show-stopping pear tart.
• An entire chapter on how to make your pantry vegan friendly with the most commonly used food staples.
• Beginner’s resources: great resources for new vegans and the vegan-curious, including the top ten kitchen tools, where to start with the top health and nutrition documentaries and reference books, and the absolute best nutrition website everyone should know about!
• A bonus, free preview of the Simple Staples Vegan Cookbook coming soon, including bonus recipes for butter, egg substitutes, Parmesan cheese, and a great nut butter hack.

This cookbook will empower you to take control back of your health and immune system with these vegan-friendly dishes to share with the ones you love and enjoy fearless entertaining and stress-free holiday parties that can include everyone. $4.49 on Kindle.

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Low-FODMAP diet cookbook

Low-FODMAP diet cookbook
Do you frequently suffer of abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, or IBS?

If you have answered YES, at least at one these Symptoms don’t worry, there is a diet that will relieve, if not remove all these disorders.
Its name is the LOW-FODMAP diet. Do you want to know more about it? keep reading!

What is the LOW-FODMAP diet?

• It’s part of the Mediterranean diet, and it’s a common food that is available in every household.
• It’s one of the few scientific recognized diets. It has been recommended in 2005 from the Monash University.
• It reduces intestinal fermentation caused by foods with higt-FODMAP
• It reduces intestinal disorders in about 40% to 60% of patients with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
• It helps to relieve abdominal discomfort (such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain) due to intestinal fermentation caused by food with hi content of FODMAP.

How can this book help you?

If you are starting a new diet such as a Low-FODMAP, probably you have encountered difficulties to select the right ingredients for your recipes; or maybe it is stressful to organized a meal plan.
This is the reason why this book will help you to embark on a food path, suggesting tasty and easy recipes to prepare.

This cookbook contains a lot of helpful information such as:

• Recipes easy to prepare
• A 28 days step by step meal plan
• A downloadable Shopping list and table of foods that is only permitted in this diet, you can print it and keep it in the kitchen. (you can get it even in ‘look inside’).
• The recipe contain a lot of information such as: Cal, nutritional information, preparation time,

…and much more! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: A Small Cheese in Provence

Free: A Small Cheese in Provence

Everything you want to know about cheese and its place in French life. How to choose it, serve it and cook with it. Original recipes from award-winning author and photographer Jean Gill, who’s lived in Provence since 2003. Free on Kindle.

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20 Best Mouthwatering Desserts From Around The World

20 Best Mouthwatering Desserts From Around The World

“Dessert is always on one’s mind and some people save their appetite for the dessert while enjoying any meal.Juliana Blossom brings you delecious dessert recepies from around the world.This books will be a perfect gift for someone you know who love to cook.You can always surprise your family and friends with a unique dessert when you invite them for dinner etc.These desserts are famous in the country they originate from and the recepies are simple and easy to make.Please enjoy reading the book and try these recepies to satisfy your sweet tooth.” $2.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Baking Desserts: A Cookbook of Delicious Homemade Recipes

Free: Baking Desserts: A Cookbook of Delicious Homemade Recipes
Cooking your favorite dessert recipe has never been this fun and easy. This recipe book has a vast range of dessert recipes that will take your cookery skills to another level. The most natural recipes and techniques to whip up classic, sweet and savory treats that you can proudly say you made. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Added Sugars The Slow Poison

Free: Added Sugars The Slow Poison
This book is a simple yet insightful guide to gain information about all aspects of added sugars and their detrimental effects on society:

By reading this book you’ll get to know:

• How to shop smartly by eliminating the 60 different names of added sugars used in processed foods from your shopping cart to read a healthy family life.
• How artificial sweeteners(sucrose&aspartame) added in diabetic diets &diet cokes can cause Neurotoxic effects and cancers after prolonged use.
• Role of added sugars in a tremendous rise of obesity, insulin resistance, fatty liver, type-2 diabetes especially in children.

And many more useful facts which will transform your life in a healthy way. Free on Kindle.

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The Complete Food Substitutions Handbook

The Complete Food Substitutions Handbook

Thousands of replacements for common, uncommon, and hard-to-find ingredients

Whether looking to replicate a missing component, seeking a healthier or leaner equivalent, or merely wanting a cheaper alternative, you won’t be disappointed.

Whether you’re a budding baker, recipe maker, or culinary risk taker, look no further. There are ideas aplenty to stir the imagination. Plus, a wealth of options to satisfy your creative spirit.

Whether you have food allergies, dietary restrictions, or ethical dos and don’ts, this book has you covered. Also, it’s one you’ll turn to time and time again. Because: choosing the right replacement can sometimes spell the difference between a recipe’s triumph and a recipe’s flop.

Order your copy today. You’ll be glad you did. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Kitchen Magic: Simple Recipes & Rituals to Manifest Health & Happiness

Kitchen Magic: Simple Recipes & Rituals to Manifest Health & Happiness

Kitchen Magic is a fun and effortless approach to cooking healthy, living well, and celebrating life. By making food magic in your home, this book teaches how to approach eating, cooking, luxuriating, and sharing by following simple steps such as intuitive eating, balanced meals, manifesting abundance, and kitchen essentials. $0.99 on Kindle.

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70 Best Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook

70 Best Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook
70 Best Instant Pot Recipes Cookbook is the right book for you as we will show you how to cook easy daily meals with simple ingredients. We will show you the best instant pot tips, explain how is instant pot healthy and many more! $0.99 on Kindle.

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15 Minute Ketosis Recipe Book

15 Minute Ketosis Recipe Book
15 Minute Ketosis Recipe Book is the right book for you as we will show you how to burn those fats using just 15 minutes. This ketosis diet for beginners guide encourages the ketosis process that helps you burn fat 4x faster! $0.99 on Kindle.

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One Pan Ketosis For Weight Loss

One Pan Ketosis For Weight Loss
One Pan Ketosis For Weight Loss is the right book for you as we will show you how you can enjoy cooking without all the unnecessary washing of multiple pots and pans after. One pan is all you need to reap the benefits of a ketosis diet. This ketogenic diet guide will include fast and easy recipes to cook at home using just one pan and common ingredients. $0.99 on Kindle.

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