The Complete Plant Based Diet Cookbook For Beginners: 650 Easy, Quick & Simple Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes With A 31 Day Meal Plan To Lose Weight And Live A Healthy Life

The Complete Plant Based Diet Cookbook For Beginners: 650 Easy, Quick & Simple Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes With A 31 Day Meal Plan To Lose Weight And Live A Healthy Life

Discover how to revitalize your health, lose unwanted pounds, and boost your happiness without following a stressful diet
Do you want to remedy your ailments, boost your immune system, and feel more energized throughout your days?

Are you looking for ways to lose those excess pounds that make you feel like you want to crawl out of your own skin?

And maybe, you’ve thought of doing it the natural way?

If you’ve been led to believe that the answer to health lies in drug prescriptions and new-age diets that have only been created to fail, it’s time to reframe these beliefs.

The truth is, there’s no magic key to solving your health problems.

Health goes far beyond a one-size-fits-all approach.

Let go of the idea of a quick fix – your overall health depends on your whole lifestyle.

In fact, dietary companies, food industries, and pharma industries are set up for monetization of your losses – they know you’re going to fail before you even start.

The strict guidelines of modern fat-loss programs and diets only create unnecessary stress on your body and bring up feelings of guilt, shame, and failure – in fact, 95% of people fail on these diets.

Finally, a comprehensive plant-based cookbook with super simple yet flavorsome recipes to boost your overall health has been created.

In The Only Plant-Based Diet for Beginners Cookbook You Will Ever Need, you will discover:

A compelling 4-week plan to transition to a plant-based diet with ease
How to stock up your pantry to stick to your plant-based diet journey without losing motivation or malnourishing your body
650 delicious recipes to prepare for you and your family – even your kids are going to love these!
How to enjoy the ‘same’ meals as everyone else around you without feeling restricted or limited
How to use 5 essential ingredients to prepare balanced and nutritious plant-based meals packed with flavor
Why being plant-based is exactly what you need if you want to live healthier, happier, and always charged with positive energy
An index to make mouthwatering recipes based on ingredients you can easily find that is already in your kitchen
And much more.

As Hippocrates said: “Let your food be thy medicine and thy medicine be your food.”

You have the choice to decide how to fuel your body daily.

Why eat junk food that only depletes you of your energy, health, and joy, when you can live a more fruitful life eating food that actually serves you well?

In the long run, you’re going to save yourself thousands of dollars on doctors’ appointments while boosting your quality of life. $2.99 on Kindle.
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The Plant Based On A Budget Cookbook: 200 Money Saving, Simple, & Easy Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes For Under $100 A Week

The Plant Based On A Budget Cookbook: 200 Money Saving, Simple, & Easy Plant Based Vegan Diet Recipes For Under $100 A Week

For people who want to eat, look, and feel healthier — here’s the secret to a sustainable plant-based diet.

Thinking of going vegan, but anxious about the price tag?

Or are you already eating a plant-based diet and simply feeling a bit “uninspired”?

How would you like to have delicious and healthy food at every single meal, without breaking the bank?

If you’d like to keep a healthy weight with a plant-based diet that’s affordable, then what you’re about to read may surprise you:

You don’t need to buy organic foods.

In fact, in some cases, you shouldn’t buy organic.

Just like you shouldn’t feel like you’re starving yourself… or struggling with what to make… or stuck eating the same tasteless greens day in, day out.

But so many people who switch to plant-based diets do those exact things. This is probably why over 70% of new vegans and vegetarians end up going back to eating meat and other animal products, according to the Humane Research Council.

Now, if you’ve already made the transition to plant-based, chances are you know all too well why it’s so hard to stay on track.

The trouble is nobody wants to have to “deprive” themselves of their favorite foods. After all, you can’t spend the rest of your life on a restrictive meal plan.

And even if you do manage to conquer your cravings… you still have to worry about the grocery bill. Simply put, going plant-based isn’t just tough on the mind (and stomach) – it can also be hard on your wallet.

But this doesn’t mean you should just give up completely on eating healthy… or try to “trick” yourself into liking the taste of raw broccoli.

All you need is a sustainable eating plan that makes it easy to cook up restaurant-quality plant-based meals for as little as $25 a week — no specialty items needed.

In The Plant-Based Cookbook on a Budget, you will discover:

  • A straightforward 7-day meal plan template to simplify your switch to plant-based eating
  • 11 tips for living on a plant-based diet without going broke
    The 5 basic food groups that every dietary vegan should stick to
  • How plant-based diets can contribute to weight loss
  • 50 delightful breakfast recipes to help you kick off your day
  • The “unspoken” truth about organic foods — are they really better for you?
  • How to fool yourself into eating less
  • 30+ tasty dessert ideas that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth, without the guilt
  • 7 benefits of going plant-based — #3 might just blow your mind
  • FREE bonus 30-Day Plant-Based Challenge and Nutrient Cheat Sheet to jumpstart your plant-based lifestyle with confidence
    And much more.

Eating plant-based is not a gimmick, and it’s not just “any other diet” – it’s a way of living that not only keeps you healthier but can also end up saving you money in the long run, too.

But only if you do it the right way.

So it’s up to you.

You can continue fighting with yourself over what you should and should not eat… OR you can finally make plant-based eating a natural part of your everyday life.

$2.99 on Kindle.
amazon buy now