Unlocking Miracles: A journey of resilience, courage, and faith to beat a less than 10% chance of survival

Unlocking Miracles: A journey of resilience, courage, and faith to beat a less than 10% chance of survival
Dive into “Unlocking Miracles,” a heartfelt journey of one person’s fight against cancer, revealing the profound lessons learned about resilience and the power of family bonds. This tale not only chronicles survival but celebrates the life-altering insights gained during the battle, affirming that miracles are real and within reach.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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Saying Yes: Accepting Divine Invitation and Stepping Onto a Gritty Uncharted Path of Awakening

Saying Yes: Accepting Divine Invitation and Stepping Onto a Gritty Uncharted Path of Awakening

Saying Yes: Accepting Divine Invitation and Stepping Onto a Gritty Uncharted Path of Awakening follows the story of how two broken people find each other and forge an extraordinary relationship. Janet Gallagher will take you on a whirlwind journey of faith, awakening, and mystery. This book will surely remind you how everything in life is interconnected. Reaffirm your faith in life and in yourself! $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Women We Watched: Tributes from the Men and Women of the US Air and Space Force

The Women We Watched: Tributes from the Men and Women of the US Air and Space Force

This compelling collection of essays is the second in the Women to Watch series by Charlene Keys Bowen. In this series, you will find powerful stories of valor, faith, resilience, and duty. Stories that give a panoramic view into the ethos of women who helped transform the lives of men and women in the US Air and Space Force.

Enriching and empowering, this book is a catalyst for good. All essayists have voluntarily pledged one hundred percent of the proceeds from this book to DreamBee Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit to help fund grants to organizations working to eradicate child abuse and neglect. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Back To Life: 30 Days With Jesus

Back To Life: 30 Days With Jesus
Have you struggled with understanding the Bible? Do the concepts conveyed seem complicated? Pastor Joseph will guide you on a journey with Jesus in this devotional. You will see how Jesus lived and learn the principles he taught. Relating the life of Jesus to our lives will provide you with an opportunity to engage with the Bible in a new and profound way. The Bible is God’s revealed will. Shouldn’t you be familiar with it? Now is the time to unleash God’s Word into your life. See how the Bible is relevant to us in the twenty-first century. Engage with the roadmap to Heaven.

Pastor Joseph teaches:

  • God’s Plan For Us
  • Living With A Purpose
  • Having Faith In The Impossible
  • Turning Pain Into Passion
  • Touching The World For Christ

and many more helpful topics that will encourage you on your Christian walk. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Your Words Your Heart

Your Words Your Heart

Beautiful imageries painted with words and brimming with gorgeous photographs.

Uplifting faith-based poetry about God, Jesus, hope, life, trust, and salvation. Sometimes comforting. Sometimes thought-provoking.

Your Words Your Heart also overflows with spring and summer photographs of magnificent flowers and gardens taken by the author in her hometown of Montréal. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike

Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike
Learn how to have a childlike faith so you can live among Heaven’s wonders, where the unimaginable and miracles happen every day. Accomplishing your impossible dreams or feeling God’s unconditional love beyond all measure are just a few benefits of becoming more childlike. Discover fifteen childlike characteristics that will transform your life so that you can enjoy Heavenly living now. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Following Jesus: A 21-Day Journey

Following Jesus: A 21-Day Journey
Physical growth is automatic; spiritual growth isn’t.
Are you ready to grow your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus?

“Following Jesus: A 21-Day Journey” is a guide to help you experience Jesus in a powerful and life-changing way.

“Following Jesus: A 21-Day Journey” is a 2022 Finalist in the Selah Awards. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World

Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World
(.99 on Amazon until 4/12/22)

One of Amazon’s #1 Best Selling eBooks in: Miracles & Spirituality; Angels; Death & Grief and New Age Divination with Prophecy

If you are seeking straight answers to confusing questions, guidance from beyond and comforting advice then you will adore this illuminating book. Discover the healing power of spirituality and faith. With answers to the most frequently asked questions entwined with accounts of his real encounters to support them, Macy who has highly enhanced abilities offers insight into the world we live in and the one to come. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Broken Pieces of God

Broken Pieces of God

Unemployment, failed chemotherapy, and no insurance bring Eddy and Gayle to life’s precipice. Desperate, Eddy turns to a statue of Jesus, seeking a miracle, while Gayle dives deeper into a scheme she has been concocting for twenty-five years.

In the meantime, their adult offspring, Rich and Sandy, grapple with the aftershock of a tragic incident that has shadowed their lives since high school. What will happen when their secret is revealed? Free on Kindle.
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Free: Dear David: Is Jesus for Real?

Dear David: Is Jesus for Real?
What happens when one friend asks another friend to explain his reasons for believing in Christianity? A 30-page email with enough material for a book, apparently. Dear David is a memoir in letter-form that retells the story of one college student’s dubious yet transformative return to faith.

For seekers and skeptics alike, Dear David is a frank and endearing introduction to Christianity without any smoke and mirrors—just a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor and blunt storytelling. If you also wonder if Jesus is truly for real, Dear David is your ticket to:

-A better working definition for religion (it’s not what you think it is!)
-A lesson in why personal application of faith is more important than pursuing truth
-A dose of reassurance that you are not alone in your doubt

Whether you’re curious about faith, skeptical about faith, or altogether indifferent about faith, Dear David promises nothing more than what it already plainly is: an exceedingly long letter from one friend to another.
Free on Kindle.

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Start Your Day with God: Christian Morning Devotional

Start Your Day with God Christian Morning Devotional : 10 Empowering Affirmations to Meditate on the Word (New Day Devotional® Series)
Are you ready to start your day with God? This inspiring morning devotional will help you become more aware of God’s presence, favor, and love.

Meditating and applying God’s Word is made easy and enjoyable with exciting and insightful teachings, exercises, and real-life stories. Each life-changing promise quickly becomes a daily reality as it is declared in faith and put into practice. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Our Common Values

This book dismantles some of the common hate narratives that divide American citizens today and reintroduces an enlightened and egalitarian view of human nature that has informed churchmen, statesmen, and civil rights leaders for centuries.

Central to humanity’s arduous journey on the road to enlightenment has been the role of the Church. Some people think the world would be better off without religion. This book dispels that fantasy, showing the Church’s indispensable role in the progression of free world ideals.

It is easy to take basic rights for granted, like free speech, due process, freedom of religion. But how many people know that all of our unalienable rights began as biblical doctrines championed by devout people of faith throughout history? Many people would call them “fanatics” today.

Still, these are the spiritual giants upon whose shoulders our founding fathers stood—forgotten heroes that have laid the foundation of a just and free society for all people. The free world owes an immense debt of gratitude to them, for without their dauntless devotion and religious fervor, the world would be a very dark place. $5.19 on Kindle.

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Regaining Paradise

Regaining Paradise

Even veteran readers of spiritual literature will be delighted and enlightened by Regaining Paradise, by Paul Corson, which celebrates new and age-old wisdom. Corson sensibly reconciles faith and science in a manner both simple and deep, allowing the mind’s eye to perceive new means of understanding the rational and the miraculous. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Rock and the Raindrop: A Space in Time

The Rock and the Raindrop: A Space in Time
Metaphysics, Philosophy, Spirituality, Whimsy. When opposite worlds collide, sparks fly, pitching a rock and a raindrop full tilt into an unexpected but welcome quest of discovery. Replete with poetic charm, this delightful tale is an exploration of the many ways God reveals Himself to us through nature, that, and the nature of our greatest gift, free will–messy but…$0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: How to Manifest the God of the Universe Into Your Life: Not self-help. God-help.

How to Manifest the God of the Universe Into Your Life: Not self-help. God-help.

Not self-help. God-help.

HOW TO MANIFEST THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE INTO YOUR LIFE teaches you how to rise up and be the warrior God has called you to be so you can lead in relationships, business, and all areas of life! Free on Kindle.

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Free: Fathers of Edenville

Free: Fathers of Edenville
A story bolstered by faith, forgiveness, and a sense of humor. When Jim Hart is found dead, the town is in a mad scramble to rectify the wrongs laid bare when Sylvia disappears to go in search of her father. The lesson they must learn is that the only way to their salvation is forgiveness. Free on Kindle.

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The Key Of Picturing In Prayer: How To Imagine Answers In Prayer For Quicker Manifestation

The Key Of Picturing In Prayer: How To Imagine Answers In Prayer For Quicker Manifestation
The most powerful key for releasing the anointing of God in prayer is revealed in this book.

Have you ever wondered how you can make your prayer life as intense and anointed as Elijah, producing results beyond what is humanly possible?

I stumbled on this key one day in prayer and the anointing and intensity that was released was amazing.

I employed it again and the anointing and intensity that has followed my prayer time anytime I employ the key of picturing in prayer has been just awesome.

When you understand the various components of operating in this key:

Your faith will increase to levels you cannot even imagine.

You will see and experience the answers to your prayer instantly

Manifestation of answers to your prayers will be quicker

Your prayer life will be full of anointing and power

Dryness will leave your prayer room and your prayer life

You will receive different picturing strategies for different prayer topics, be it health, provision or promotion.

Is it a sick child or a late bill you are praying about? You will zoom into the supernatural realm of answers using this key of picturing in prayer. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Exercise Your Faith (Defeating the Lies Men Believe)

Exercise Your Faith (Defeating the Lies Men Believe)
In this blunt and hauntingly honest book, Winters rips the veneer from the lies men hear from birth to the grave. Drawing on his sometimes-rocky journey through anxiety, alcoholism, and sexual dysfunction, he paves the way for others to find freedom, faith, peace, and fulfillment.

With disarming wit, the author examines more than thirty lies that can derail our effectiveness and satisfaction with life. He replaces fallacy with timeless spiritual wisdom. The book is far from pious, getting down to brass tacks about sex, drinking, drug use, and emotional emptiness. As graphic as the Bible in many of his stories, Winters relates the path to inner cleansing and wholeness. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike

Free: Enjoy Heavenly Living Now: Become Childlike
Discover how you can live among Heaven’s wonders where miracles and the unimaginable happen every day by having a childlike faith.

Uncover 15 unique characteristics little children have that will transform your life and cause all the miraculous things of Heaven to occupy your home and everyone around you. Free on Kindle.

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If You Dont Like Lemonade, Stop Buying Lemons

If You Dont Like Lemonade, Stop Buying Lemons


Ever since the beginning of the world man has contained within him an insatiable desire to be the captain of his own ship and master of his own fate. It really becomes problematic when pride prevents one from looking outside thier selves for help or the correct answers in life. It’s not that God has abandon us with no directions or answers, it is the failure of launching one’s selve in a humble posture and seek the real truth and to stop relying on feelings.

After years of history on display, man continues to make the same mistakes. Those mistakes are driven by feelings and evade real truth. Thats because truth can be difficult to accept and act on. It all hinges on a simple applicatiin and placement of faith. Do you place tour faith in your feelings? Or do you search for the facts and then apply your faith to those facts? This will determine your outcomes in life.

This book is a commentary mostly of my life and outcomes related to poor decisions based in feelings. I will show you how easy it is to live by our feelings instead of by faith. I wrote this book to help others become more successful in life by avoiding the same potholes in the road. When we make poor decisions in life, we make a claim stating ” well we will just have to make lemonade.” That is our answer. It does not take away the pain or consequences from the poor decision. My book helps you try to avoid buying the lemons in the first place.

Of course, God gives us that great freedom of choice. However, in the end, it may lead to the lemonade stand. See price on Kindle

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The Spiritual Treasure Trove

The Spiritual Treasure Trove

This book has over 200 topics that address the concerns of many that did not know where to find their answers in the Bible. Topics such as parenting, relationships, faith, love, hope, endurance, trials, disappointments and many more. It is a delightful way to study the bible and share with others $7.00 on Kindle
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Free: The Beautiful Lie – Finding Faith in a World Gone Mad

Free: The Beautiful Lie – Finding Faith in a World Gone Mad


It is said there were no flies in the Temple, in the following pages you will learn why. Take a faith changing journey and uncover the tools and strategies that will dramatically shift your life, your relationships, and perhaps bring about the turnaround you have long desired for yourself and others. Along with modern day miracles and remarkable historical events, you will learn the truth about the mess the entire world is in, the pathway out of it, and about the One who is closer than breathing.

This book includes:

  • Two techniques you can begin using today to transform your relationships
  • Ten minutes that can make or break you
  • The advice people really give when they look back over their life
  • The healing power of thoughts, words, and of making a 5% shift
  • The truth about research on marriage, money, happiness, and starting a family
  • The science and psychology behind the power of authentic faith and personal change
  • Strategies to change your thinking, uncover your destiny, and deliver lasting fulfillment

Remarkable stories that include: the miracle phone call from God, a painting that stopped a war, the divine voice heard for over 3 years on a mountain in the Middle East, the white strap that stood as an unexplained mystery for forty years, the importance of who is buried at a place called Skull, the gospel in a tree, the Amish martyr who challenged an entire nation, what happened to the founder of rock music and the world’s most popular writer, how a monk ended the gladiator games, what people saw and heard from the sky when they killed a family of missionaries, how a pride of lions saved the life of a child, the last song Jesus sang, and the day Christ taunted the devil.

These are a small sample of what you will learn about living sanely in a world gone mad! Free on Kindle.

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Forgiveness Unforgettable

Forgiveness Unforgettable

A true story of survival and forgiveness. $2.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Word First: A Revelation On Faith

This concise book describes the Scriptural foundation for understanding faith. The book of Hebrews has always been an informative and interesting favorite of mine, but the last time I read it, a pattern revealed itself to me as the words unfolded in my heart. Somehow, I could now clearly see exactly what faith was, as my God shared the secret of this principle with me.

That night’s revelation made things so transparent that, from that moment on, I never again doubted God’s faithfulness to the words from His mouth.Faith is believing a Word spoken to you. Free on Kindle.
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Wind in the Hands

wind-in-the-handsRami Yudovin, Israeli author of scientific and theological works on Bible researches and ancient history, presents a story in the form of parable about good and evil and duty vs freedom of choice.

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