Heartache to Healing: Navigating Grief and Finding Peace

Heartache to Healing: Navigating Grief and Finding Peace
Grief is a unique, personal journey with no fixed rules. In “Heartache to Healing, Navigating Grief, and Finding Peace,” explore a 25-year heartfelt quest through loss and sorrow, sharing steps and insights that lead to healing and peace. This book offers support and companionship to those mourning, emphasizing that no one grieves alone. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Unmasking Grief

Unmasking Grief
This book will help women of faith navigate the emotional journey of grieving the loss of a loved one. Let’s find the courage to be more vulnerable with others instead of handling the heartache alone.

$0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Cardinal’s Gift-A True Story of Finding Hope in Grief

The Cardinal's Gift-A True Story of Finding Hope in Grief
Rachel’s Daddy died, and she is having a hard time adjusting. She lost interest in school and playing with her friends and fears she will forget important things about her Daddy. Then, one morning, she receives a visit and a little encouragement from a persistent cardinal.

Join Rachel as she discovers the cardinal’s gift and learns to find hope without forgetting those she loves. Free on Kindle.
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Why I Had to Lose: A Journey on Living with Loss and Honoring Your Grief

Why I Had to Lose: A Journey on Living with Loss and Honoring Your Grief

Why I Had To Lose is a unique guide through an experience we all must face and compassion for those who don’t understand how to help the bereaved. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: The Somatic Therapy Book: Healing After The Loss Of A Spouse

The Somatic Therapy Book: Healing After The Loss Of A Spouse
Have you recently experienced the loss of your spouse, and that has left you shattered and chaotic? Losing someone and the grief that follows can be physically and emotionally painful. Every feeling you have while grieving is as unique as a fingerprint and it is valid. Join others who have embraced this journey and developed coping mechanisms. Dear reader, you are not alone! Free on Kindle.

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MazieA burdened old widow. A reclusive young bachelor. A lonely neighbor girl. A collision of fates that transform their lives forever.

After tragically losing her only child, then facing her husband’s death two years ago from Alzheimer’s, 72-year-old Mazie questions why God doesn’t take her too. Her grief leaves her aching to join her husband and son in the grave.

When Brian, a reserved young bachelor, moves next door, Mazie attempts to set him up with her young friend, Claire. Then, there’s the odd little girl across the street who is determined to be his friend. Brian doesn’t know what to make of the spunky old woman or the persistent young girl who both nudge their way into his life when he just wants to be left alone.

When a sudden tragedy leaves Mazie battling for her life, Brian steps in to help the old widow, and both discover that life’s purpose is often revealed in the unexpected. $0.99 on Kindle
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Free: Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer

Roads to Meaning and Resilience with Cancer

This is a compelling book by an author who is wearing multiple hats — as a doctor, an academic, a lung cancer advocate, and ultimately, a patient himself. Dr. Alachkar’s knowledge-based, yet deeply personal and relateable book will give you a variety of viewpoints on questions like the meaning of life, finding hope in a terminal diagnosis, building resilience, finding or losing one’s faith in a higher power, and much more! From its heartfelt personal accounts of how these strong individuals cope with cancer, to the thought-provoking search for meaning that underlies it all, this book is sure to run you through your complete gamut of emotions. If you seek a greater capacity for empathy or find relief in shared experiences, acceptance of altering realities and changed identities, then you can’t afford to miss this book.

This book is about the essence of the human experience at its limits. It is for Every Reader! Free on Kindle.

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Free: On Wings of Hope: Leading Lily Home

On Wings of Hope: Leading Lily Home
Have you ever wondered about the universe, your purpose here on earth, or what might await you in the afterlife? Author and life coach Cynthia Lynch Bischoff has often reflected on those questions in her transformational work with her clients.

On Wings of Hope: Leading Lily Home explores those questions through a poignant recollection of Bischoff’s experience in assisting a young client through her journey with breast cancer and untimely death. Based on a true story and filled with wisdom and life lessons, this account describes Lily’s inspiring passage from despair to enlightenment as a result of Bischoff’s unconventional therapy and compelling and inspirational view of the afterlife. Her story, a journey from heartache to peace, demonstrates that the world is illusory and that we create our own reality. It offers an integration of Bischoff’s varied areas of expertise—life coaching, spiritual psychology, philosophy, and energy healing—to present a unique approach toward understanding the meaning of life, relationships, and mortality.

Heartfelt and unforgettable, this memoir brings you face-to-face with important insights about life as it shares one woman’s true experience with death and the afterlife. Free on Kindle.

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Free: That’s Why You’re Here

That's Why You're Here

How does a once harried soccer mom, who managed a 25 year State career, get flung out of her wheelhouse to become a Tarot reader and an author? For Erin Burrell, that life-altering moment began with a jarring knock at the door. A solemn detective delivered the news that a loved one had died. The grief and heart-splitting loss sent her groping for answers. Join her and see how she traveled unusual paths that allowed her to heal while overcoming many personal challenges. Free on Kindle.
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How To Recover From Pet Loss

How To Recover From Pet Loss
Professional Pet Bereavement Counsellor and founder of The Scottish Pet Bereavement Counselling Service, Wendy Andrew, gives her expert perspective on pet loss.

How To Recover From Pet Loss is a walk through the emotions you may experience and how best to cope with them on your journey to the stage of ‘Acceptance’.

This book is for you if:
• You are grieving the loss of a companion animal
• Your companion animal is nearing end of life
• You have had to rehome your pet
• You have experienced pet loss due to a relationship breakdown
• You want to know how to support a child
• You want to support a grieving pet parent
• You want to learn healthy coping strategies to aid recovery

Wendy also shares her personal experiences of grief, which gives this book a genuine and authentic feel. She gives helpful advice selfcare, which also makes this book a thoughtful gift idea! Wendy’s informal style of writing and openhearted approach make her very relatable and this book an easy read in a time of suffering either before or after the death of a companion animal.
You really do feel like she is on this emotional journey with you and holding your hand the whole way. $1.28 on Kindle.

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How to Cope with Grief: A Guide on How to Heal and Cope with Grief

How to Cope with Grief: A Guide on How to Heal and Cope with Grief
A book on how to heal and cope with grief. This book helps you to understand the grief cycle and also provides tips on how to cope with a loss. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Tragedy’s Treasures, a Mom Finds Hope in Grief and Loss

Tragedy’s Treasures, a Mom Finds Hope in Grief and Loss
Grief is an act of love. We can’t avoid it, and everyone’s journey is different.

Moving through the pain and devastation the death of our loved one brings pushes us gently toward the hope of less pain and more joy. We never get over missing our loved one, but we can learn how to live with it while keeping strength, faith, and hope. Let Tragedy’s Treasures, a Mom Finds Hope in Grief and Loss, support and comfort you as you move through your grief. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: A Gentle Hug for the Soul

Free: A Gentle Hug for the Soul
HIGHLY COMMENDED in the Soul & Spirit Book Awards 2019 for Best Spiritual Real Life Story, this is a book you are going to want to read.

Providing you with really simple ways to manage stressful situations.

Some of us may have loved ones around us, but they might not truly understand the stress it causes you. Whilst there are lots of practical solutions for these life events, finding something to help us through these emotions are rarer. This is why I wrote this book.

I went through a bereavement, followed by a divorce and then a house-move in the space of 12 months. It was challenging. I was lucky that I had my spiritual toolbox that I had spent 10 years building. I want to share these tools with you TODAY. Most of them are free, simple to use and accessible to EVERYONE.  Free on Kindle.

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Sassie’s New Home

Sassie’s New Home

A whimsical, moving story for children who have lost a beloved pet.

A pet’s death can be difficult to handle, especially for kids. Inspired by the questions the children in her life asked when her own dog died, author Erin Albright crafted a heartfelt story about what happens when our best friends go on to Heaven.

This comforting tale is perfect for families dealing with a pet’s death, and veterinarians, therapists and school counselors will find it helpful to have on hand to help console young children who lose a pet. $0.99 on Kindle.

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The Madness of Grief

The Madness of Grief
London, July 1969. While men are walking on the moon, a series of dramatic events threaten to have lasting repercussions for 16-year-old Jane and the people she loves. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Companion In Grief

Companion In Grief

Help for those grieving the loss of a loved one. A page for each day of the year, with topics indexed by subject, this is an easy, comforting, hope-giving read for one of the worst of life’s experiences. It’s secular in nature, which means it will appeal to both non-religious and religious grievers who are in need of support. A useful gift. $2.99 on Kindle.

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One Can Heal

One Can Heal

This world is unforgiving to many, but that doesn’t mean you can’t shine and spark the lives around you.

The poetry of One Can Heal takes the reader on a heartbreaking journey where one finds strength to overcome and heal the unintended wounds. This collection focuses on the hardships in life such as grief, loss, depression, family, heartbreak, and the value of self-love and acceptance. One Can Heal explores the darkness many can face in life and shows that scars do not define anyone. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Live a Bold Life: Your 30-Day Mission to a Fearless Future

Live a Bold Life: Your 30-Day Mission to a Fearless Future
“Is this all there is to life?” Do you count down the days until it’s Friday? Is self-doubt coming between you and your dreams?

In Live a Bold Life, Brooks shares the wisdom gained after grieving the death of her parents, losing 75 pounds, and finding the courage to move abroad. She helps you create Intuitive Affirmations and find the courage to live the bold life you were born to live. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: That’s Why You’re Here

Free: That’s Why You’re Here

A journey from grief to metaphysical awareness. A desire to improve her intuition took the author down an unexpected path. Free on Kindle.
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Free: After the Storm: Picking Up the Pieces to a Better Life

Free: After the Storm: Picking Up the Pieces to a Better Life
We all live in a world where difficult hands are dealt out daily. Life is often unpredictable and chaotic. A Major storm can come along at any time and ravage our existence leaving us broken, scared and with nothing but pieces left scattered all over our beach. It’s then hard to grasp the concept of moving forward, and trusting that God has a plan.

How does one pick up all of the pieces left behind by such a destructive storm? How does one mend a heart that’s been broken in so many places and begin to rebuild a life when all hope is lost?

This is the riveting true story of loss, grief, and despair. After Jack loses his wife to cancer now, finds himself alone to raise 3 beautiful little kids. Upon facing this unbearable reality, spiraled down an even more destructive path.

Come and be inspired by a book of an adventure everyone can relate too. See how one can learn to pick up those “Pieces to a Better Life.” This is a compelling journey of self-discovery and perseverance from being dealt all life can dish out. This story will make you weep, and it’ll make you smile. But most definitely, it WILL make you believe in Miracles. Free on Kindle.

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Snow Sometimes Falls

Snow Sometimes Falls
At age six, Dave was alone swinging in his backyard and heard a heavenly voice, “SNOW SOMETIMES FALLS!” It takes over thirty years, along with several calamities to discover what God was telling him that day. Dave learns, even through the tragic death of his mother, the thirty-year revelation was well worth the wait. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Happy Thoughts Playbook

Free: Happy Thoughts Playbook
Happy Thoughts Playbook was written in collaboration by a group of thought leaders, coaches and healers to help you overcome the blocks to your happiness in a playful way. We tackle loss, grief, fear, anxiety and sadness with unflinching self-honesty and authenticity, all while moving you closer to fully embrace your joy. Free on Kindle.

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From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One is Terminal

From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One is Terminal

How do you overcome the loss of a soul mate or care for a loved one who is terminal while making the most of the time you have left?

How do you help your children learn to grieve while a parent is dying, and after death? Christopher Cooper, founder of the grief blog Coffee With Coop, offers this honest, raw, emotional book, From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One is Terminal, to any young adult who is dealing with the grief of having a loved one who is dying. His story will offer hope for the future, and prove through the inspirational example of his family that you can be happy again in the face of a loved one’s terminal diagnosis. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Letters to Mitch

Letters to Mitch

“Letters to Mitch – The Healing Power of Grief, Love & Truth” is the true story of how a young man uses his greatest wound as a gift to heal his life. When Marshall Dunn learns the devastating news that his elder brother, Mitch, has taken his own life, little does he know that his loss will become the catalyst to awaken to his soul’s purpose. The book is narrated through a series of raw, heartfelt letters accompanied with instructive and intuitive reflections. Letters to Mitch encourages readers to embrace change, seek their own hidden truth in vulnerability and honor the life with which they have been gifted. Let Marshall take you deep inside the engine room of suicide loss as he travels along an inspiring journey towards growth, healing, and envisioning the future. Just as Mitch’s death has become Marshall’s greatest gift, he has written this book as a gift to anyone searching for the way back home after suicide, loss, and personal crisis. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: It Isn’t Cheating if He’s Dead

It Isn't Cheating if He's Dead
Jemima Stone waited four long years for her missing fiancé to come home, burying herself in her job and feeding the homeless. When Gerald is found dead halfway across the country, she is devastated. Detective Finn Wight promises to uncover the truth behind Gerald’s mysterious death.

Delivering sandwiches to her homeless friends, she discovers a newcomer. Though he refuses to speak, his haunted eyes tell Jemima that he is in trouble — hiding from someone or something. Jemima turns to Detective Wight in hopes of helping the man. But uncovering his true identity leads to the discovery of secrets none of them could have imagined.  Free on Kindle.

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