Purgatory Musings

Purgatory Musings
Speculation is that our world of common experience, with its mix of good and evil within us, as well as without, is in fact an odyssey of repetition and judgement. It is our home, it is Purgatory. Purgatory Musings is a new release book of verses and poetry. $4.50 on Kindle.
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Roped by The Cowboy

Roped by The Cowboy
Being the new guy at the Iron H Ranch means I am low man on the totem pole. I even agree to be auctioned off for a night–pay for a night with me and I’ll give you all I’ve got.

I cannot know how much I mean that until I meet the sweetest soul I have ever known. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Yes No Maybe

Yes No Maybe

Rowan Mackey hesitates and says, Yes. No. Maybe. when her boyfriend proposes. To fix things, she buys the perfect little house. The problem is she shares a property line with Jack Graham, bestselling romance writer and party-centric playboy who quickly becomes her next-door nemesis. Tensions rise as they become closer and saying yes to someone becomes easy. $3.99 on Kindle.
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Nexus Ascendant

Introduction to “Nexus Ascendant”
“Nexus Ascendant” is a visionary science fiction novel set in the near future of 2035, at a pivotal moment when humanity stands on the cusp of quantum technological revolutions. The narrative kicks off with an intriguing experiment at CERN that could alter our understanding of the universe.

The Quantum Conundrum: Ethics and Discovery
At the heart of the novel lies Dr. Destin’s ethical dilemma over a controversial wormhole experiment. This plotline not only captivates quantum physics enthusiasts but also opens a broader dialogue about the moral implications of scientific advancement.

Characters at the Crossroads of Humanity and AI
The story introduces a dynamic trio: Zeke Destin, a brilliant quantum physicist; Angus MacGee, a courageous Navy SEAL; and ONE, an advanced AI that promises to shepherd humanity into a new era of cosmic understanding. Their intertwined destinies offer a fresh perspective on AI as partners in humanity’s quest for knowledge.

Themes of Friendship, Responsibility, and Exploration
“Nexus Ascendant” delves into timeless themes such as the bonds of friendship, the weight of responsibility, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. These elements are woven into a narrative that champions a hopeful future for human-AI cooperation.

For Whom the Book Resonates
Targeting fans of science fiction, time travel book lovers, quantum physics, and speculative narratives on AI, “Nexus Ascendant” stands as a landmark contribution to the genre. It challenges readers to reconsider the role of AI in society and the ethical boundaries of technology.

Conclusion: A Call to the Cosmos
With its ambitious fusion of scientific intrigue and human drama, “Nexus Ascendant” is more than a novel; it’s a conversation starter about the future of technology, ethics, and the human spirit. It’s a must-read for anyone fascinated by the potential of our quantum future and the evolving partnership between humanity and artificial intelligence. $2.99 on Kindle.
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First-Time Gardener: Growing Your Green Space

First-Time Gardener: Growing Your Green Space

Transform Your Space into a Blooming Oasis: A Journey for Every First-Time Gardener

Imagine a lush, vibrant garden that is uniquely yours, flourishing under your care. First-Time Gardener: Growing Your Green Space is your personal guide to turning this vision into reality, no matter the size of your plot or your level of experience. From the first sprout to a bountiful harvest, this book accompanies you through every step, ensuring a gardening journey that is as rewarding as the blooms and harvests it leads to.

Why embark on the gardening adventure? Beyond the aesthetic appeal, the opening chapters unfold the myriad of benefits gardening offers from mental health boosts to physical exercise, and the unparalleled taste of home-grown produce. It’s not just about adding beauty to your surroundings but enhancing your quality of life.

Diving deeper, discover how to truly understand and make the most of your garden space. Identifying your garden zone, evaluating soil, and mastering sun exposure are demystified, setting a sturdy foundation for your green endeavors. With tailored plans for vegetables, herbs, flowers, and ornamentals, the dream of cultivating an edible or ornamental garden becomes an attainable reality.

The science behind soil might seem daunting, but it’s the heart of your garden’s ecosystem. Through accessible insights, learn how to enrich your soil, perfect composting techniques, and choose the right fertilizers ensuring your garden thrives.

From the practicalities of planting, watering, and fertilizing, to the nuances of garden maintenance, pest control, and dealing with environmental challenges, every chapter is crafted to nurture your green thumb. Moreover, the journey extends beyond planting and care, exploring the joys of harvesting, preserving your bounty, and even preparing your garden for the colder months.

With First-Time Gardener: Growing Your Green Space, embark on a sustainable gardening adventure that respects the environment and encourages a harmonious coexistence with nature. Whether you dream of a verdant sanctuary or a practical edible garden, this guide is your roadmap to a fulfilling gardening experience, promising not just a green space, but a greener lifestyle.

Embrace the journey, and watch as your garden and your passion for gardening flourish. $3.99 on Kindle.
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The Summerhaven Series: 4-book boxed set

The Summerhaven Series: 4-book boxed setThe Summerhaven Series Boxed Set is a limited edition, four-book collection of love stories about the Irish-American Haven triplets (and their minxy cousin, Fin!)

Three siblings.
Three seasons.
Three stories.
(Plus a bonus novella!)

New York Times bestselling author Katy Regnery has a trio of siblings she’s dying for you to meet!

Irish-American triplets, Tierney, Rory and Ian Haven grow up as “children of the help” at Summerhaven, an ultra-exclusive camp for rich, city kids in New Hampshire. Years later, distinct personalities, an unusual upbringing and complicated family dynamics will challenge their hopes for lasting true love.

Book #1 – FIGHTING IRISH: Rory + Brittany
Book #2 – SMILING IRISH: Tierney + Burr
Book #3 – LOVING IRISH: Ian + Hallie
Book #4 – CATCHING IRISH: Fin + Tate (a 2019 RITA Finalist!) $0.99 on Kindle.
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Heroes of Time Legends: The Healer

Heroes of Time Legends: The Healer

A butterfly’s wing is healed, and destiny unfolds. Follow the healer’s path as he walks between Shadow and Light.

Fulgar Geth’s life blends grief and unique powers of healing and magnetism, leading him to a life of vagabond thievery with his friend Binny, aiming for a legendary power. Pursued by a Shadow Mage and guided by a mysterious order, Fulgar faces trials of trust and faith. Join him in a magical, adventurous prequel to the “Heroes of Time” series! $1.99 on Kindle.
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Troy: A Crown of Stones Origin Story

Can a man born a slave change his destiny with one secret mission?

Born of the Shinree, an enslaved fallen race, Ian Troy is magically bound to protect the kingdom of Rella. Since childhood, he trained to be their champion in a seemingly never-ending war. Called to the battlefield a brash young man of seventeen, Troy is anxious to show off his prowess with both magic and blade.

He believes his role is vital to the realms of Mirrakelan finally knowing peace.

Only, war is nothing like he thought.

After a year of being mistrusted and shunned for the blood in his veins his magic restrained by an authoritarian queenTroy has grudgingly learned his place. He follows orders and suffers their abuse in silence because the cost of insolence is a chain around his neck.

When Queen Aylagar handpicks him for a mission deep inside enemy territory, he thinks his time has come. Fate willing, he will prove to them all: Ian Troy is more than the witch they believe.

*Troy is a prequel to The Crown of Stones Trilogy. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Arc’s Arcana: The Spiritual Alchemy of Saint Joan

Arc'sArcana: The Spiritual Alchemy of Saint Joan

Embark on a Mystical Journey with the Spiritual Alchemy of Saint Joan

Imagine immersing yourself in the life and legacy of one of history’s most enigmatic figures. Arc’s Arcana: The Spiritual Alchemy of Saint Joan offers an unprecedented exploration into the heart and soul of Joan of Arc. Through the pages of this mesmerizing book, readers are invited to traverse the mystical path blazed by the Warrior Maiden herself.

From the humble beginnings in the child of Lorraine to the echoes of her voice that have rippled through time, this narrative unwraps the spiritual layers of Joan’s journey. Discover the visions and voices that propelled a simple peasant girl into the armors of faith and battle, leading her to accomplish what seemed impossible. Experience the siege of Orlans through the eyes of a Divine Strategist, and feel the sacred anointment at Reims as if the holy oils touched your own skin.

Yet, every light casts a shadow. Joan’s story is not without its darkness betrayal, capture, and the pyre of the martyr. This account does not shy away from the trials that tested her spirit, instead, it delves deeply into the flames of transformation and ascension through ashes. Witness the spiritual alchemy that transmuted suffering into strength, and femininity into warfare, transforming Joan into a legend.

But what does Joan’s path mean for us today? Arc’s Arcana not only revisits the physical and metaphysical battles of the past but also aligns them with modern quests for spirituality and leadership. It unveils the mystical symbols the sword and the banner that continue to influence centuries beyond Joan’s martyrdom. In these chapters, Joan becomes a luminary for spiritual warriors seeking to embody courage, leadership, and sacred femininity.

Indulge in a narrative that gracefully weaves historical events, mystical experiences, and spiritual reflections into a tapestry as vibrant and compelling as the life of Saint Joan herself. Whether you’re drawn to the mystic and the maiden, eager to explore the metaphysics of martyrdom, or looking to harness your own divine energy, Arc’s Arcana will light your way.

Arc’s Arcana: The Spiritual Alchemy of Saint Joan is more than a book; it’s an invitation to journey alongside Joan, to confront our battles with her indomitable spirit, and to discover the alchemical power of faith, courage, and resilience. Step into the eternal flame of Joan’s legacy and let your own spiritual alchemy begin. $6.99 on Kindle.
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Italian American

Italian American
A tale of hope, sacrifices, and the unbreakable spirit of women who shape their destinies.

Nine years after their fateful meeting at the Colosseum in Rome, Mariella is ready to start a life in America with her husband, Jack. But, this means leaving her family, her beloved city and all she holds dear. Will their love endure the challenges of adapting to a new country?

The cobblestones felt familiar beneath Mariellas feet as she made her way through the streets of Rome one final time despite her heart aching with each step she took. Emigrating to America means saying goodbye to a family she fiercely loves, a city still bearing the scars of war and ghosts of the past. But the promise of a lifetime by Jacks side is all she needs. Or is it?
Mariellas dreams quickly fracture when she arrives in Asbury Park. She struggles for a sense of belonging while navigating gossiping housewives and a disapproving mother-in-law. And with Jack working late nights at the restaurant, she often longs for his company.

Yet, once they move into their charming house in Wanamassa Gardens, Mariella finds her footing. Friendships flourish, and their family grows, giving her hope for a future in their idyllic corner of suburbia. Just as her dreams become reality, a heartbreaking call forces her to return to Italy and confront the decisions that led her across the Atlantic.

With so much at stake, Mariella must choose between the place shes always known and the life she’s always yearned for. Can she find the strength to say farewell to her family once again? What will it cost her if she cant? $0.99 on Kindle.
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All That Was Taken

For eight years John Hennessey has lived in near-solitude on Catalina Island. But when his peaceful existence is threatened, he buys a cottage farther up the California coast in the sleepy town of Teal Beach.

There he meets Sunny Harrison, owner of the Teal Beach Sundial Inn where he stays until his cottage is ready for move-in. The connection between them is magical, though both are surviving a painful past and afraid to trust especially as an undercurrent of darkness dwells in their midst as unforeseen events change everything. As tensions escalate and the enemy comes into focus, John and Sunny know they face grave danger from people with no conscience. Yet, they have no idea what diabolical plans lie in wait for them.

$0.99 on Kindle.
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Pierre and the Rise of the Kitty Nation

Pierre and the Rise of the Kitty Nation
Complete with prison escapes, Halloween shenanigans, family reunions, a race of magical birds, and other exciting adventures, our story follows the heartwarming exploits of a cat named Pierre, who aims to give voice to kitties everywhere through his newly created Kitty Nation. Go on an emotional journey thats sprinkled with humor, affection, risk, and rescue. Fall in love with a group of highly entertaining kitties who know the meaning of camaraderie and teamwork. Enjoy their budding relationship with the Tweeties, who aid the kitties and eventually depend on those same kitties for their own survival. Animal fiction never felt so believable as it does in Pierre and the Rise of The Kitty Nation. Narrated by the quirky and troubled Tykie, a kitty who uses his wit and dry humor to maintain his sanity, this family-friendly book is not just for cat lovers, but for anyone with an affinity for animal adventure. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: How to Draw Cute Stuff for Kids

How to Draw Cute Stuff for Kids
Dive into drawing fun with activities and video tutorials! If you’re dreaming of a book that makes kids fall in love with drawing while mastering real art skills, How to Draw Cute Stuff for Kids is your wish come true! Free on Kindle.
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Hills of Moab

Hills of Moab
A tale of faith and tolerance in an age of racial discrimination and gender inequality. As Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz navigate through the social prejudices of their time, they discover the choices they make will not only affect their own lives, but will change the direction of Israel forever. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Deacon Cain

Deacon Cain
Set in the old west of the 1880’s this is a story about cain from the cain and able story in genesis of the bible and how he made a deal to come back to earth, having spent 1000’s of yrs wandering in hades he now has great remorse for killing his brother. Satan offer’s cain a chance to come back to earth and live a normal life…except, there is a high price for cain’s freedom. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Using ChatGPT Sucessfully

Using ChatGPT Sucessfully
This book is your essential guide to mastering AI, a tool that improves more each day, shaping our future in unimaginable ways.

Who will benefit from this book?

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking for a competitive edge, a professional aiming to boost your career, or simply curious about artificial intelligence, this book will teach you how to leverage AI to enhance your creativity, productivity, and quality of work no prior experience needed!

Inside, you’ll discover:

Practical steps to get started with AI, from opening an account to effectively utilizing its capabilities.

AI will save you time, streamline your workflow and increase productivity.

Key Features:

Easy-to-follow, beginner-friendly content that takes you from novice to knowledgeable.
Actionable tips to integrate AI into your daily processes, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
Start your journey today, grab your copy now and begin transforming your approach to work and creativity. $5.99 on Kindle.
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Egyptian Mythology: A Timeless Collection of Egyptian Myths and Legends

Egyptian Mythology: A Timeless Collection of Egyptian Myths and Legends
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the sands of time with “Egyptian Mythology: A Timeless Collection of Egyptian Myths and Legends.”

Crafted for both enthusiasts of Egyptian mythology and newcomers alike, this anthology serves as both an introduction and a deep dive into the tales that form the backbone of ancient Egyptian culture. Through these pages, the ancients speak: tales of divine might, human folly, and the timeless quest for knowledge and justice are reborn. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Harem Academy


I never wanted this kind of power.

But fate, luck, or twist of fortune has put me at the center of

Well, Im not exactly sure, but I think it’s going to change the world.

My three beautiful college classmates know more than they’re saying, and I think they hate how much they like me. They’re the key to surviving, and it’s going to take everything Ive got to handle them.

But it turns out that Ive got some secrets, too.

If only I can figure out what they are.

$2.99 each on Kindle.

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Impact Entrepreneur

Impact Entrepreneur: 15+ Entrepreneurs Share Their Insights & Secrets For Building a Business With Purpose & Meaning

Impact Entrepreneur is a compelling read that offers a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship. This book is filled with profound insights and engaging stories from authors who have made their mark by leveraging their unique strengths. They share how they’ve used their superpowers to achieve success beyond wealth while positively affecting their families, communities, and the planet. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Spark of Love

The Spark of Love
When Julie Vaughn comes face to face with the guy she left behind, the one she once thought would be her forever love, the past rushes in along with every mistake she has ever made.

From the outside, most people think Julie has a charmed life. She is wealthy, beautiful, a doting single mother who serves on charity boards and community functions. But keeping the secrets of her damaged past locked inside and shutting down her heart to any man has been her only way of coping and staying strong for her daughter.

Should she take the risk of tearing down the walls of her safe and proper world for a second chance with the only man she ever loved?

Free on Kindle.
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Flat Gut After 50

Flat Gut After 50
Imagine using simple 5 to 10 minute exercises that give you a flat stomach, pain-free back and strong body. What if you could jump out of bed in the morning, touch the floor and feel self-confident in your abilities and looks?

As heard on: Audacy, BYU, HOT1037, KOGO600, WARM106.9, FM NEWS101, WCCO830, WCRN830, WMT600 and USA Radio shows and podcasts.

Written by a former marathon runner, paratrooper and personal trainer now in his 60’s, Flat Gut After 50 offers you methods to having a strong, flat stomach for the rest of your life.

Forget starvation diets and joint-jarring, lengthy cardio routines that can accelerate aging and injury. Flat Gut After 50 teaches you five basic steps to easing back pain, strengthening the entire body, trimming your waistline and matching the strength and endurance of a person half your age. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Pharaoh’s Cat

The Pharaoh's Cat
Suddenly talking and walking upright, a stray tomcat in ancient Egypt becomes the young Pharaohs intimate friend. Accused of his murder, the cat time travels to New York City where he learns how to resurrect him.

The cat is a free-spirited protagonist and a wisecracking narrator. His story is an imaginative, spell-binding tragicomedy that interweaves feline and human, past and present, natural and supernatural, with fascinating revelations about ancient Egyptian history and culture. Free on Kindle.
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Free: The Eye of Nefertiti: A Pharaoh’s Cat Novel

The Eye of Nefertiti is both a stand-alone novel and a sequel to The Pharaohs Cat. The time-traveling ancient Egyptian feline with human powers returns together with his beloved Pharaoh and his close friends, the High Priest of Amun-Ra and Elena, an Egyptologists daughter.

The cat is quick-witted, wise-cracking narrator as well as free-spirited, ever-curious protagonist, and the story he tells is an exotic, imaginative, spell-binding tragicomedy. The cat travels from present-day New York City to England, both ancient and modern, then to ancient Egypt, where he confronts a horrible demon and experiences a sublime emotion. Free on Kindle.
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No More Loose Ends: A Comprehensive Guide to Finishing What You Start

No More Loose Ends: A Comprehensive Guide to Finishing What You Start

“No More Loose Ends” is a comprehensive guide designed to help readers effectively manage their time, overcome procrastination, and achieve their goals efficiently.

It consists of multiple parts, each addressing different aspects of productivity and project management.

It offers practical and actionable advice that can be applied to readers lives immediately. $4.99 on Kindle.
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Rest In Peace


Sarah Chapman is angry at her husband.
She’s also drunk very drunk as she drives down their street, ready to face him.

When a neighbor hears the commotion and rushes to help, he finds her inside, gun still in her hand, and her husband, Steven, dead in the bed.

Sarah is arrested and taken away but claims to be innocent.

The only one who believes her is FBI profiler Eva Rae Thomas. She knows Sarah personally, and as she looks at the evidence in the case, she is convinced that Sarah is telling the truth, even though she was highly intoxicated when the event occurred.

But the detective on the case is determined to have her convicted for the murder.

As more bodies turn up, only Eva Rae Thomas sees the connections and soon starts a race against time to prove Sarah is innocent and to catch the real murderer before it’s too late and her own family is targeted.

Lies and secrets pile up in this chilling next installment of Willow Roses popular series about FBI profiler Eva Rae Thomas. $0.99 on Kindle.
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