The Ultimate Guide You Need to Making Homemade Dog Food and Treats

The Ultimate Guide You Need to Making Homemade Dog Food and Treats: [All-in-One] Easy, Delicious, and Nutrient-Packed Recipes to Enhance Your Dog’s Well-Being And Energy
This book is an invaluable resource for dog owners seeking to provide their pets with optimal nutrition. With over 170 quick and easy homemade dog food recipes, it covers a wide range from daily meals to dental health treats and special occasion dishes, all using readily available ingredients, allowing you to prepare healthy dog meals without breaking the bank or investing excessive kitchen time. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Pitty Party

Pitty Party
Sometimes the best medicine is a dog who loves you.

Maggie Allen hates being a delivery driver, but she can’t leave her small town to find a better job; her father’s too sick to take care of himself, her younger brother Jake can’t stay out of trouble, and her nagging aunt won’t stop meddling in their lives.

The last thing she needs is a dog to take care of. Especially one that’s spend most of his life chained up by neglectful owners.

But when Dad goes behind her back to adopt a pit bull named Cappuccino, she has to admit that the dog is good for the family — Dad’s tackling physical therapy with new determination, and Jake’s been helping out more. Despite the messes he makes, Maggie’s fond of the eager-to-please dog.

Her luck can’t last, though. In his enthusiasm to please, Cap accidentally disconnects Dad’s oxygen, convincing Aunt Josephine that Maggie can’t do anything right. Can Cap keep Maggie sane —and the whole family safe — when Josephine moves in and turns the chaos up to 10?

Pitty Party is the fifth book in the Soul Mutts series, heartwarming stories of lost dogs finding new homes with the humans they were born to heal. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Chocolate-Covered Chaos

Chocolate-Covered ChaosThey can’t trust him with their shoes, but they can trust him with their hearts.

Since Nick Marshall’s wife died, he’s been struggling to keep a lid on his PTSD and raise his stepdaughter Chloe and her younger half-sister, Abby. He’s always run a tight ship, but when he learns that Chloe’s flunking out, he becomes even more rigid and controlling: no extracurricular activities, just chores and schoolwork until she brings her grades up.

It’s only after she gets into a fight at school that he realizes there’s a deeper problem that he has no idea how to handle. Worse, his late wife’s sister is working with Chloe’s biological father to take custody away from him.

Out of desperation, he takes her teacher’s suggestion and brings home a dog from the Pretty Paws Shelter named Max. The girls bond with Max, but the dog’s playful enthusiasm drives Nick crazy — he craves calm, not chaos.

Can Max help Nick reconnect with Chloe before her meddling aunt and deadbeat father split the family for good?

Chocolate-Covered Chaos is the third book in the Soul Mutts series, heartwarming stories of lost dogs finding new homes with the humans they were born to heal. Free on Kindle.
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So you think you know your dog?

Bazza is an easy-going middle-aged college lecturer with a taste for weed, porn, beer and redheads. When he adopts a rescue dog, he sees nothing odd about the animal. Then a Himalayan monk comes to visit, and senses something strange.

Dog is a powerful story of love and loss, sin, redemption and dog mess. You’ll never see your pet the same way again. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Fiona the Buzzword Basset Hound Goes to Corporate America – 50 Shades of Boring

Free: Fiona the Buzzword Basset Hound Goes to Corporate America – 50 Shades of Boring
Fiona is a fun-loving Basset Hound who was sniffing around the backyard one day when she accidentally fell down a gopher hole. Suddenly, she found herself trapped in a very bizarre and strange place called “Corporate America.”

Let’s wish Fiona luck as she explores this new world by navigating through a maze of buzzwords, corporate jargon and unrealistic expectations. As seen through the eyes of a dog, this short book is filled with funny pictures and phrases illustrating the absurdity of working in a corporation. It is sure to make employees everywhere laugh out loud.

The majority of the proceeds will be donated to Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue, an all-volunteer, non-profit corporation dedicated to finding forever homes for homeless Basset Hounds. Free on Kindle.

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Free: Little Old Dog Sanctuary – Happily Ever After

Free: Little Old Dog Sanctuary – Happily Ever After
There are thousands of sad books about animal cruelty, neglect, abuse and abandonment. This is not one of them.

Little Old Dog Sanctuary is not your typical dog hospice. It is a Utopian, free-range Rocky Mountain Shangri-La where napping is a competitive sport, potty training is optional, and since most of the residents don’t have any teeth, a rawhide bone can last for years. Free on Kindle.

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Deprived of his legacy.

One boy must cross the galaxy to save the father he never knew…

Petrick longs for a life outside his backwater orphanage. In his parentless prison, even talking with his friends about the science that spurred space travel and colonization is forbidden. When Petrick sleeps at night and dreams, he envisions lessons from the most famous scientist of the fringe worlds: his father.

On one fateful night, the lessons turn into cries for help, and it’s up to Petrick, his dog, and his friends to escape and find his father. But the worlds beyond their home planet are more treacherous than they ever could have imagined. On their quest, they encounter space pirates, advanced androids, and growing unrest that could tear the galaxy apart.

As he moves closer to finding his father, revelations arise that could put the entire journey in jeopardy. The success of his quest may lie in discovering that blood isn’t the only thing that determines your family…

Starstuff is an epic space opera perfect for readers of any age. If you like imaginative new worlds, plucky heroes, and adventures of galactic proportions, then you’ll love Ira Heinichen’s action-packed tale. $0.99 on Kindle.

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