The Manhattan Men Box Set 1

The Manhattan Men Box Set 1
Mr. Real Rich
Nothing tastes better than winning over a woman. Especially one who owns a candy co. This single mom will sell her company. My rich family demands it.

Mr. Handsome Hunk
My best friend’s little sister is the one I’ve always wanted, but she left. Now she’s back & I’m a billionaire. Time to take what’s mine. For good.

Mr. Manly Man
Love is for girls & suckers. At least that’s what I tell myself. Then I need a fake fiance to make my ex jealous & something happens. I fall in love.

Mr. Romantic Romeo
Bad boy billionaire falls for his family’s rival. They’re both after a resort. She knows, he doesn’t. Fate is fickle. Romeo & Juliet all over again? $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Parkers’ Oh So Hot Box Set Two

Oh So Hot Box Set Two

My Secret Love Affair:
A billionaire bad boy was mine for three weeks. When he skipped town, he left me with a gift. A baby. Now years later we meet up again. Truth time.

Mr. Bossy Billionaire:
As a single dad, my little girl means the world to me. Hence the putting up with ballerina stuff. Especially her bossy but hot instructor. She’s mine.

Spring it On Me:
I’m forced to hire a new secretary and I can’t fire her before the years up. A pretty single mom will do just fine. She’s brazen, bossy and mine. $0.99 on Kindle.
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An Always You Box Set

An Always You Box Set
Right Under My Nose:
Running a billion-dollar firm as a single father is tough, but finding a woman is worse. Crazy enough, the one I really want is right under my nose.

Roomies with Benefits:
Roomies with benefits? No need to ask me twice. My childhood BFF moves in with me & we matchmake for each other. But Im falling for one girl. Her.

Of Course its You:
My boss daughter is off limits. Then we start to work together. All bets are off. But he gives her the job Ive earned. Is it war? Or love? Or both? $0.99 on Kindle.
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Some Kinda Romance

Some Kinda Romance
I might be in the business of weddings, but I have no intention of walking down the aisle.
Ill just make my millions sending suckers to the altar.
Its an easy gig and Im far too good at it.
Until its a little too close to home.
My mother is getting married, and she wants me to work with a wedding planner.
Talk about a gut punch.
My father is in the ground, and she wants me to pick her flower arrangements and organize the seating chart.
The worst part?
My usual go-to for a wedding like this is no longer in the business.
He left his empire to his ex-wife.
And shes whats the right word?
The worst.
I cant work with an average Jane like her.
But I can sleep with her.
In that department, she gets a gold star.
Or five.
Nothing average about her.
Maybe theres more to it than our chemistry.
One things for certain.
Me and her?
We make some kinda romance. $0.99 on Kindle.
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A Dilemma for Jacob

A Dilemma for Jacob

Seduction. Love. Scandal. Destruction.

Throw the tournament, or someone close to you will get hurt. A threat against Jacob is a threat against Jean-Pierre.

What should have been an idyllic Christmas in Whistler is tainted by a mysterious message. It becomes clear that it is no joke when Jacobs life is threatened. Can Jean-Pierre keep Jacob safe for the tournament in Edmonton? Will the danger bind Jacob and Jean-Pierre together, or ruin their budding love before it has a chance to bloom?

Find out in book three of your favorite billionaire MM romance/erotic thriller series, featuring an age gap, a jealous lover, and a lavish lifestyle. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Billionaire’s Unexpected Wife

The Billionaire's Unexpected Wife
As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to have her.
I thought this Vegas fundraiser was going to be boring another obligation to keep the family business alive.
I don’t remember a thing about the night we spent together, other than how good she felt against me, like she was made for me.
We woke up the next morning with more than we bargained for wedding rings.
Too bad I don’t believe in true love.
Id feel bad about it, but she’s got a strong opinion of me too.
Im a perpetual bachelor from her perspective.
Crazy enough, this could work out for both of us.
I need someone to keep my traditional Greek family from nagging me about settling down, and she could use some cash for reasons she doesn’t want to share.
I know a good deal when I see one.
And if she wants to end up in my bed all over again, all the better
Free on Kindle.
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All For Love

All For Love
Whats worse than planning your wedding?
Glad you asked.
Planning your parents wedding.
Cue eye roll.
The icing on the cake, no pun intended, is who I have to plan the wedding with.
My soon-to-be stepmothers daughter.
Shoot me.
She thinks Im a piece of work?
The girl needs to look in a mirror.
Even if her reflection is spectacular. And sexy.
And none of my business to admire.
I couldnt care less about seating charts, center pieces, or floral arrangements.
I hate myself for knowing what half these things are.
But this girl?
Shes making the work tolerable.
Okay. Fine.
Maybe Im enjoying it.
But shes off limits.
We need to keep it professional, but thats the last thing I want.
I want her.
The work Im doing for the wedding isnt just for our parents.
Its all for love. $0.99 on Kindle.
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A Holiday Love Affair

A Holiday Love Affair
Doesnt everyone deserve forgiveness on Christmas?
My ex is the last person I want to see.
Especially here.
Without love in my life, Ive poured myself into my career.
I dont need anything else.
Thats what I thought.
Now shes walking around my business and my head.
All. The. Time.
I cant shake her or the way she makes me sweat with need.
The worst part?
She holds my fate in her hands.
One wrong word and she could destroy my reputation.
I might even deserve it after how I left her all those years ago.
But Im not that guy anymore.
And shes not that girl.
Maybe shell take mercy on me.
Tis the season, after all. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Never Let Go

Never Let Go
The fairytales never warn you how confusing it can be.
Falling in love, I mean.
Especially when youre as unlucky as I am.
I loved a boy once, but he is the one who got away.
Poof. Gone.
Now I need a date for my friends wedding.
Its the perfect kick in the butt I need to take a chance on a wild idea.
My friend is marrying the guy she met through a blind-dating service.
Literally. They dated in the dark.
I give it a go.
Dating in the light hasnt worked out for me so far anyway.
Naturally, the one that got away shows back up in my life right when Im starting to move on.
The best part?
Hes a literal billionaire now.
Hes. So. Freaking. Hot.
Like, melt your eyeballs out of your head hot.
Now Im really in trouble.
Dating in the dark is never what it seems.
And my mystery Casanova?
Well, hes not what he seems, and he has his own reasons for dating in the dark.
Wish me luck. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Two Wrongs Made Right

Two Wrongs Made Right
Just because my brother found love doesnt mean I have to.
Id rather focus on other things.
Like money.
It never gives you sleepless nights that drive you insane.
But the single mom I hooked up with at my brothers wedding?
Shes got me sweating.
I cant get her out of my head.
Those curves.
That smart mouth.
Shes the right kind of trouble.
But Im the wrong kind of guy.
Or not.
Shes been wronged before.
Maybe this time, two wrongs can make a right. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Under Parr: A Billionaire Sports Romance

Under Parr: A Billionaire Sports Romance (Last Chance, Inc. Book 1)
Jericho Parr is a tall, handsome, cocky rich guy who’s gotten everything he’s ever wanted in life with a twinkle in his devastatingly blue eyes, but he’s going to lose this time. Newcastle Golf Club is the hub of my community. So when hunky Jericho Parr buys the club and is going to change it, I’m going to fight him every step of the way. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Fake it for Glory

Fake it for Glory
Romance is a waste of time and energy.
I’m not going deep with anyone. Let’s keep things on the shallow end of the pool.
Where it’s easy to get out when I’m ready.
Besides, my focus is on bigger things. Things that actually matter.
Like changing the world.
Until I need a sexy fake date to round out my image.
Ridiculous as it is, it’s my only option.
Something about me being aloof and arrogant. What? Me? No…
But my date is more than a role to fill.
She’s everything I’ve avoided in life so I don’t settle down.
And she’s trouble.
She’s keeping a secret from me that could destroy my reputation.
And my business.
Trusting her might have been a mistake.
But loving her?
That’s beyond faking at this point.
This girl has her claws in me, and I hate to admit that I love it.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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Heartbreak Hell-o

Heartbreak Hell-o
I hate how much I burn for my ex. My enemy.
She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved, and she ripped my heart out.
Now she’s back in my life as a professional rival. Good times all around.
We clash every time we’re in the room together, but it only fuels my need to remind her who’s in charge. Me.
Outside of the office I’m falling off the deep end. It’s so easy with her.
She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. In my life. My bed. My world.
We move from angry exes to hot hookups faster than anyone would expect, and the challenge is to not take advantage of her every time I see her.
Hard to do. Especially when my heart is involved.
One business trip later and I can’t think about anything but her.
It might have started as Heartbreak Hell-O, but it’s quickly moving to Say You Do. $0.99 on Kindle.
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My Silver Fox Wears Pink: A Love at First Sight Billionaire Age Gap Romance

My Silver Fox Wears Pink: A Love at First Sight Billionaire Age Gap Romance
I came for a girl’s trip, and I’m leaving with my heart tangled up with a silver fox.
A 10K run for cancer awareness, no problem. But a handsome, older, billionaire grump has my head screaming DANGER, DANGER.
I can’t say out loud what the rest of my body is telling me.
Let’s just say I need to change my lace panties.
The flock of pink ladies in tutus run right over me as I stop in my tracks, watching that stud bark orders for directions, “This way, ladies.”
No, no, no. I didn’t listen to the neon red lights in my brain.
I catch a glimpse of some humanness as he sponsors this 10K.
Before I know it, we’re between the sheets, under the stars, and everywhere else.
He’s filling more than just my time, and I’m hooked.
When I discover someone from his past reappears and wants to cause me trouble, will he step up and defend me?
If he does the right thing, I may leave here with race medals AND the love of my life. $0.99 on Kindle.
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I Choose You

I Choose You
The ugly duckling from my high school is back in my life and she’s all I can think about.
Unfortunately, she’s off limits. Work rules.
Tell that to my naughty thoughts and constant raging desires.
When my dad decides he’s getting married, I need a date for the event.
She’s the only one I’d want on my arm, in my bed, my lap… you get the picture.
The issue is my twin brother and I used to bully this girl. He’s gonna give me so much grief over falling for her now.
And maybe he’s right to. Maybe she’s not after love, but revenge.
No. There’s no way she’s that brilliant, is she?
Would it matter if she were? No. I’m lost to her now.
I deserve whatever she’s up to. She might not have been the one back then, but there’s no one else I want now.
No matter what, I chose her. Whether she chooses me or not. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Pull Me In

Pull Me In
In the business of matchmaking and can’t find love? That’s me.
It’s always fun to find that special someone for our client, you know, the one they ride off into the sunset with.
But me? I just get burned by the sun, stung by bees, and wind up sea sick from the boat ride.
Unfortunately my twin sister and I made a pact when we were kids regarding this ‘love’ thing.
If we were unmarried at thirty, we’d really go ham on trying to find Mr. Right.
So thirty showed up. Go figure. But my should-be husband is apparently lost in the universe and refuses to stop and ask for directions.
Lucky for me, my firm (the matchmaking one) is going to make me go through the process of finding my forever guy for a documentary that’ll prove we’re legitimate.
I’d rather swim in the sewer, but that wasn’t an option.
The minute I start our ‘dating in the dark’ process, my mind opens to something I’ve never realized.
My best friend, the one that has been there all along, suddenly looked perfect. And hot.
Disturbing for sure. But soooo hot.
Now I’m stuck in the middle. Falling for my blind date and my best friend at the same time.
When it rains it pours. Apparently, men.
I have no clue who I should choose or even how I should do it.
Love has pushed me out for thirty years and now it’s decided to pull me in.
Help?!?! $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Golden Society

The Golden Society
Could anything be worse than your parents choosing your wife, especially when she’s a snooty royal?
Ask me. I should know.
Every Wed Season, eligible singles step up to the plate.
It’s my turn.
I’d rather go down with the ship but I have traditions to uphold.
I’ll do what’s expected of me.
Until the girl from my past shows up.
Did I mention she’s a princess?
She’s not my match. In fact, she’s off limits.
But I’ll make her mine.
Tradition and high society be damned.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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Such a Snowy Christmas

Such a Snowy Christmas
Some might say I’d give the Grinch a run for his money. And they’d be right.
But this hot little number thinks she can soften me.
Not a chance. I won’t bend for anything or anyone.
My past made me this way, and I’m good with it.
Then I start to feel love seeping in.
Maybe there’s a way to save myself.
Besides, she doesn’t want to ruin her reputation or risk her career.
Another man might not have dared her to.
But how can I resist those legs in high heels? Or her warm, welcoming heart?
I can’t.
Maybe something besides the snow is melting.
‘Tis the season, after all. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Such a Sunny Christmas

Such a Sunny Christmas
I invest in businesses, not women.
My silver tongue gets me what I want, and my last name seals the deal.
My current fixation?
A ski lodge on the brink.
It’s a big undertaking, but I’m up for the challenge.
And the reward.
The curvy young owner has me questioning my own commitment.
Is she worth giving it all up?
Or is she just a distraction on the path to more millions?
Either way, she’s making me sweat despite the Christmas chill.
I’m ready to burn.
So long as she’s striking the match. $0.99 on Kindle.
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One Night in Alaska

One Night in Alaska
After losing everything, I’ll never love again.
Besides, Alaska has my heart.
That is until a beautiful girl gets off a cruise ship for singles and steals it.
Imagine my surprise.
She thinks she’s going to sail home.
But I have an offer for her.
An all-expenses paid trip with yours truly.
She’ll see what it’s like to be on the arm of a guy like me.
I’ll show her the world.
Lucky her.
There’s no going back.
One night in Alaska changed everything.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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Love Me Not

Love Me Not
It’ll be a cold day in hades when I get married again.
Besides, as a billionaire widower, dating isn’t a priority.
I have more important things to focus on.
My mother is overcompensating for having an eternally single son by getting married herself.
And who does she insist on having plan the wedding?
The guy who’d rather spoon his own eyes out than have to sit through a wedding ceremony.
She layers guilt on guilt until I can’t say no.
It’s her day, after all.
But I don’t know the first thing about planning a wedding.
Apparently, there’s a difference between warm white and cool white.
I need a professional.
That’s when she comes in.
A breath of fresh air with curves that shake me right to my core.
She’s going to be the perfect distraction.
And the hot piece on my arm as my date for the wedding.
Two birds.
One stone.
An ice-cold heart thawed and wanting love. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Mr. Cold Casanova

Mr. Cold Casanova
Nothing but trouble and pain there.
I should know.
They’ve done me dirty before, chasing my fortune and looks.
So now?
I’m not interested in what I can offer.
I’m playing for what I can get.
And my sexy new receptionist?
She’s everything a man could want in a pair of heels.
I need her.
She’s a single mother with a heart of gold.
Perfect for corrupting.
But she’s not so easily swayed.
Maybe she’s the one corrupting me and changing my ways.
She’s not like the girls who came before her.
She doesn’t want my money or lifestyle.
She wants my heart.
The question is…
Am I willing to give it to her?
$0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Sleeping With the Enemy

Sleeping With the Enemy
She’s completely off limits, or so I’m told.
My best friend’s little sister. Hot, curvy, and soon to be mine.
And to say the least, she’s fiery mad.
Her brother is willing to sell out their family business to me, and he’s right for doing it. I’m a billionaire. Hello.
Little did I know that this beautiful vixen is about to jack my world up.
There’s one trinket I want most in the world for my collection and guess who just bought it? Right. Her.
But I’m down to play her games.
I’ve got aces in my pocket waiting for the right moment to strike.
And when I do, the prize I yearn for isn’t a shiny object. It’s my girl.
She’s going to be upset to find herself sleeping with the enemy, but those tables will turn.
I’m not after today or tomorrow, but forever. Free on Kindle.
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Wedding Bells Alpha Box Set

Wedding Bells Alpha Box Set
4 bestselling billionaire, alpha wedding bells books. Featuring Say You Do, She’s Mine Now, Don’t You Dare, and Promise Me Forever. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Ladies’ Man Exposed

Ladies' Man Exposed
A serial womanizer ghosted by the hottest woman he’s seen?
Yep. That’s my story.
There’s nothing I can’t do, and no one I can’t have.
Leaving women with a fake number after one hot night is my trick. And yet… this girl bested me.
For the first time in a long time, I’m intrigued.
She snuck out in the middle of the night while my dumbass was sleeping.
If she was a guy friend, I’d high-five her for that move.
Her loss. Until it’s mine too.
Of all people to show up as a new marketing client for my firm, it’s this girl.
The one I can’t stop thinking about. The one that exposed me for my horrid ways.
Big problem though. Her father hates me. Good thing it’s his problem.
I might have been a bachelor spreading my wild oats before, but now I’m a one-woman man.
That is, if she’ll have me. $0.99 on Kindle.
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