Free: The Numbers Game: How To Live Mindfully In The Digital Age

The Numbers Game: How To Live Mindfully In The Digital Age

Are you tired of constantly setting goals and feeling empty when you hit them or defeated when you don’t? Then, this book is for you!

Stop Chasing Targets, Setting Unachievable Goals, And Start Living In The Moment. Really Living. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Matt’s Swirly World

Free: Matt’s Swirly World
A darling story about the power of mother’s calm presence and love during a toddler’s tantrum. Conveys an accepting perspective of all big emotions and helps build mindfulness skills for kids and harmony in the home. Free on Kindle.

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Free: A Way Out of Anger

Free: A Way Out of Anger

A darling story on the power of a mother’s calm presence and love in tantrums to reassure children during emotional moments and to build mindfulness skills. Free on Kindle.
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Middle-Class Mindset Escape Plan

Middle-Class Mindset Escape Plan
In Middle-Class Mindset Escape Plan: Six Proven Steps to Break Free of Faulty Beliefs, Conquer Your Fears, and Reach Financial Success, J.D. shares what he learned through his own personal journey from middle class to millionaire so that you, too, can recover from loss, make a mindset shift, and breakthrough to financial freedom. $0.99 on Kindle.

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