Free: 100 Percent Mortality: 15 Stories of Excuses, Mistakes, and Misunderstandings in Estate Planning

100 Percent Mortality: 15 Stories of Excuses, Mistakes, and Misunderstandings in Estate Planning
Estate planning is more important than you realize… and these 15 stories will inspire you to take action now!
One day, you’re going to die.

How did that statement make you feel? Were you tempted to stop reading and hide from the idea for another day?

Most of us do. We live in a world where we shy away from death a fundamental concept of life that affects us all.

Yet that very thing prevents us from taking the actions that will allow our legacies to live on and make sure our loved ones are taken care of no matter what happens.

Thats why you started reading this, and it’s why you’re still here reading, despite how uncomfortable that sentence might have made you feel.

Think about this: If you’re not willing to think about the inevitability of death, how will you have control of what happens to your remains? How will you know that your children are looked after or that your assets go to the people you care about?

The trick is not to push the idea of death out of your mind, but instead to prepare for it so you can keep living life to the fullest, with complete peace of mind that everything will work out as you wish when you finally reach the end.

The trick is estate planning.

It might sound like an administrative headache, but it’s really no more complicated than a set of clear instructions dictating who your assets will go to and when.

It shows your loved ones that you care about them enough to sort everything out to protect them, and it ensures that when you eventually pass and they’re already facing deep sadness and grief, they wont find themselves in court trying to figure out exactly what it was you wanted.
Free on Kindle.
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Free: I Didn’t Know Annuities Could Do That!: Worry-Free Strategies to Thrive in Retirement

I Didn’t Know Annuities Could Do That!: Worry-Free Strategies to Thrive in Retirement
Retirement. One’s Greatest Gamble Is Substituting Hope for a Plan

Hope that stocks won’t ever crash again. Hope that inflation won’t cause your purchasing power to be cut in half over time. Hope that higher taxes won’t cause you to drain your savings quicker than you’d like to maintain your lifestyle. Hope that Social Security won’t run out of money as your annual statement warns.

What’s YOUR plan?

There are only TWO doors to retirement. You will either outlive your money… or your money will outlive you. There is NO THIRD DOOR!

Annuities. You either love them, hate them, or simply don’t know enough about them to decide if one of them may be right for your financial goals! This book teaches how when used as intended, annuities can make a dramatic difference in your retirement success by avoiding all market losses and with the proven mathematics of actuarial science.

** Learn how some accumulation annuities can trounce the returns of bonds
without the risks inherent in bonds.

** See how using a few annuities with attractive GUARANTEED LIFETIME INCOME
can provide higher income with a substantially lower investment than required
for the “4% rule.” Free on Kindle.
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Free: Tax Secrets Revealed : How the Wealthy Reduce Taxes and Create Tax-Free Income

Free: Tax Secrets Revealed : How the Wealthy Reduce Taxes and Create Tax-Free Income
Tax Secrets Revealed: How the Wealthy Reduce Taxes and Create Tax-Free Income. Free on Kindle.

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