Free: Joy is . . . 365 Keys to Longevity

Free: Joy is . . . 365 Keys to Longevity

This book is a synthesis of wisdom from religion, philosophy, psychology and spirituality regarding the pathway to creating joy in your life, which modern research has shown to be the key to longevity. There are 365 succinct transformational concepts on which one can contemplate or meditate each day. Free on Kindle.


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Free: Meditate the Pounds Away: How I Met my Weight Loss and Wellness Goals through Meditation

Meditate the Pounds Away: How I Met my Weight Loss and Wellness Goals through Meditation
Join Suki on her journey from overweight and unwell, to a perfect BMI and wellness. After two back injuries and some inactivity that followed, the weight packed on and didn’t want to leave! After doing all the right things for many years, there were minimal results. Then she began to meditate! The weight began to fall off almost immediately.

It’s all about re-setting your mind and spirit to the you that you want to be. Your body will follow. You too can meditate your way to health and weight loss. This is an easy read, and is geared towards the beginner, with insight into some of the roadblocks that could be holding up your path to wellness and weight loss. Free on Kindle.

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Quick Meditations

quick-meditationsWouldn’t you love to create greater self-empowerment in your life, becoming a master of your mind rather than a slave to its every impulse? Have you tried meditation to relax but still have trouble with over-thinking?

Well, that’s what minds do, so relax. Give yourself the gift of meditation and read Quick Meditations: Anytime, Anywhere Meditations from 5-Seconds to 5-Minutes to pick techniques that resonate with you.