Alien Genesis

Alien Genesis

For fifty thousand years humanity has been clawing its way out of a dystopian hole dug by a race of extraterrestrials. The “war in heaven” is not some mythological metaphor. It was quite real. Pointing at the newspaper on a nearby coffee table Admiral Cortell explained, “In case you hadn’t noticed, the good guys didn’t win. Only the names of the rogues in charge have ever changed. The human experience hasn’t arrived at some terminus, all tied up with a pretty pink bow.” $0.99 on Kindle.
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Dead Evil Mercenary Corps Complete Series Boxed Set

Dead Evil Mercenary Corps Complete Series Boxed Set
Have you ever been sick of being the low man on the totem pole?

A trio of mercs feel your pain. Chill, Ivan, and Kortez have been slaving away as mercenaries for years but enough is enough and they are done putting up with being an afterthought.

Striking out alone is a risk, but mercenary work is not exactly in short supply…

Grab this complete series boxed set and join Chill, Ivan, and Kortez on their missions today! $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Traveler

The Traveler
Humans believe First Contact would happen by extraterrestrials coming to Earth, or by humans going into space. But… what if they’re wrong? A no-nonsense structural engineer takes the world for granted and gives little to nothing of himself to others. He prefers the distance it provides, until one chance meeting with the Traveler changes everything. Now Tristan has some hard lessons to learn and a few inner demons to conquer. Will he be able to step outside himself and see “the other” as they truly are? As old as the galaxies themselves, the Traveler has taken on many bodily forms. For every first contact, it becomes increasingly more intricate than the last and equally as dangerous. With every encounter, the Traveler moves toward greater knowledge and power, but often, it is filled with anguish and despair. Occasionally, a chance meeting comes along and brings the undeniable pleasures of joy and love. What will it experience with Tristan? This isn’t your typical sci-fi story. As you turn the pages, be prepared to go on a journey like never before. Jump through time and ride along as the Traveler takes you through one adventure after another in this fantasy-filled voyage. $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Alien Who Woke Earth: A First Contact Drama

The Alien Who Woke Earth: A First Contact Drama

The world isn’t fair and no one seems to care. When a big silver being with lethal powers falls from the sky, Devon enlists it in her quest to change the world into a better place. They set off to visit the president, and, along the way, collect an army of followers excited by the alien’s power. But the president knows they’re coming and uses all his powers to try to stop them. Will they overcome the rising tide of obstacles and get to Washington? And if they do, will anyone listen?

Devon learns that with power comes responsibility and discovers that it’s not easy to discern which people are good and which ones deserve the alien’s wrath. $2.99 on Kindle.
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Alien Whispers: Conflict and Communion

alien Whispers: Conflict and Communion

The battle for the hearts and minds of humans is on…
and Laura Sinclair must play a huge part. There will be deception and battles, but there will also be self-sacrifice and love. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Witch of the Federation Boxed Set One: Books 1-8

Witch of the Federation Boxed Set One: Books 1-8

The future has amazing technology. Our alien allies have magic. Together, we are building a training system to teach the best of humanity to go to the stars.

But the training is monumentally expensive.

Stephanie Morgana is a genius, she just doesn’t know it.

Join her on the first half of her adventures with this 8-book boxed set! $0.99 on Kindle.
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American Starfleet Independence

American Starfleet Independence

America is under attack by the tratos race of aliens. The current theater of operations revolves around the jungle planet of Geldon. Starfleet Independence’s eighty ships must fight the battle of their lives to survive – and failure means inevitable invasion of Earth itself… $2.99 on Kindle.
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The Night People

The Night People

Sam has been interacting with aliens since he was five. Poor, with abusive, neglectful parents, he has coped alone, afraid to make friends or confide in adults for fear of being thought crazy. Now 15, he meets Jade, who becomes his friend and partner. While tackling the alien mystery, the two accidentally discover an entrance to the DUMBs, secret underground military facilities hiding aliens and other mysteries. Threatened—for reasons they don’t understand—by a furious army major, and afraid to seek help from adults, they plunge into a series of adventures that leave them unsure if the real threat is alien or human. As the teens deal with high school and their growing attraction to each other, Sam must learn that some people (even adults) can be trusted and that he deserves love. And together, Sam and Jade must figure out the aliens’ agenda and their place in it. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Unlikely Bounty Hunters Complete Series Boxed Set

Unlikely Bounty Hunters Complete Series Boxed Set
It was supposed to be two bros on a lark to find jailed outer-space aliens. Now, one of them has busted a foxy blue alien female out of jail, stolen a UFO, and decided to start a non-profit to ‘Save the Aliens.’ The only problem? One of them might be falling in love. *Warning: Graphic bro-humor, and much stupidity from guys who don’t know any better. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Stars Series Boxed Set

Book One tells of battles between races, a royal wedding, family mysteries, and a prophecy that might not be fulfilled. Lives are lost, others are saved, and some are brought together to create a bond between hearts and planets. In book two, one child is rescued, another is hidden. Both return to their beginnings. As they discover the truth of the Prophecy, they must decide if they’re strong enough to endure the truth. This is an immersive two-book science fiction romance full of mystery, space travel, and alien beings. If you love action-adventure and the bond of family and friendship, then you’ll enjoy this riveting space opera with visits to faraway planets and the tying of lives into the tapestry of the universe.
$2.99 on Kindle.
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To Those We Found

To Those We Found

In a far-off galaxy, a civilization of purple-skinned aliens discovered another race beyond the cosmological horizon and want to send a message. But government conspiracies, oppression, and terrorism drive their civilization to the brink of disaster. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Lieutenant Henry Gallant : Screenplay

Lieutenant Henry Gallant : Screenplay
Screenplay (Star Trek meets Forbidden Planet)

Can a Natural survive in the 22nd Century genetically engineered space navy?

Lieutenant Henry Gallant is the only Natural left in the fleet. In spite of his superiors’ concern that he is not up to the challenge, his unique mental abilities are essential to the defense against hostile aliens. Free on Kindle.
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Free: Entity

Felicia learns the local aliens on Mars are quite different than the boys on Earth. After several mishaps with aliens and rabbits, she stows away on a miner’s shuttle. When the owner threatens her with telling his secret, she witnesses a phenomena. Now, she has to convince a pilot to help her save the unusual life form before it has a chance to destroy the station. Free on Kindle.

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The Alien Interviews

The Alien Interviews
I thought my old friend, Jimmy, died in a car crash many years ago. Then I got a phone call from “dead Jimmy.” After convincing me he didn’t really die, he told me a fantastic story. While he was “dead,” he was actually working for the government, interviewing aliens. Now he wants to tell me all about it, but I’m not sure I want to know. Do you? $0.99 on Kindle

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Operation Thunder Child

A StaticTitle3
The truth can only be told in fiction…

In this science fiction techno-thriller, former Ministry of Defence employee Nick Pope blends what he knows about political decision-making and warfighting with knowledge and experience gained on the British Government’s UFO project. The result is an alien invasion novel packed with insights into real-world military strategy, tactics and hardware, making for a terrifyingly real account.

The tagline for this controversial book was “The truth can only be told in fiction”, and this led to much speculation in the UFO and conspiracy theory community, especially when it emerged that the manuscript had gone through the government’s security clearance procedure.

Discover the truth for yourself in this fast-paced UFO thriller. $3.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Fallen Star

Fallen Star
A sudden and brutal attack on a coalition training camp in Iraq wipes out all but two survivors: Captain David Grant and Australian SAS Sergeant James Maclean. Drawn into a clandestine world that deals with unusual encounters the two soldiers volunteer to help with the investigation into an alleged UFO crash in Alaska. The mission, however, is far from simple as it soon becomes apparent that something dangerous is going on and not everyone is as they appear to be. Free on Kindle.

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The Alien’s Ransom

The Alien's Ransom

I thought alien abductions only happened in movies. But here I am on a strange planet with green soil and a gang of muscled, wicked-horned aliens on hoverbikes. All I want to do is go back to Earth, but the alpha male in charge has decided I belong to him. Good thing I have some banked personal days, because this might take a while…$0.99 on Kindle.

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Hanna’s Army

Hanna's Army
Hanna Krusher and seven telepathic young men and women with special powers agree to join a new alliance to become Hanna’s Army. New entities and alien races emerge as battle becomes imminent. $2.99 on Kindle

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Free: To Tame the Sentry Being

Free: To Tame the Sentry Being
On a world in the distant reaches of the Universe, the human race has mysteriously found itself upon the planet Vena. They are in a state of constant war over sacred territories with a species of creature known as `Alpelites’, underneath the watchful god, Medzu. Brothers Syros and Ednon live with their grandfather Ira, a renowned visionary pacifist. The older of the brothers, Syros, is filled with anger and hate over the events which took their parents’ lives, and has made it his life’s ambition to take revenge on the Alpelites. The more idealistic, childlike Ednon, meanwhile, is a boy with his mind constantly on the stars. His goal is to try to end the war and do all he can within the golden city of Asterleigh to make sure that his brother, Syros, returns home safely. In the grand library he encounters a phantom telling him that the world will end at the next Passing of Sechen (the coming of the New Year). After these words and the death of his grandfather, his life becomes more infused with his dreams and visions. We follow their stories as ideologies are tested, mysteries are unravelled and both brothers fight for survival in a chaotic universe. Free on Kindle.

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Free: To Tame the Sentry Being

Free: To Tame the Sentry Being
On a world in the distant reaches of the Universe, the human race has mysteriously found itself upon the planet Vena. They are in a state of constant war over sacred territories with a species of creature known as `Alpelites’, underneath the watchful god, Medzu. Brothers Syros and Ednon live with their grandfather Ira, a renowned visionary pacifist. The older of the brothers, Syros, is filled with anger and hate over the events which took their parents’ lives, and has made it his life’s ambition to take revenge on the Alpelites. The more idealistic, childlike Ednon, meanwhile, is a boy with his mind constantly on the stars. His goal is to try to end the war and do all he can within the golden city of Asterleigh to make sure that his brother, Syros, returns home safely. In the grand library he encounters a phantom telling him that the world will end at the next Passing of Sechen (the coming of the New Year). After these words and the death of his grandfather, his life becomes more infused with his dreams and visions. We follow their stories as ideologies are tested, mysteries are unravelled and both brothers fight for survival in a chaotic universe. Free on Kindle.

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Fresh off the Starship

Fresh off the Starship
Readers’ Favorite book-award winner: A friendly, bewildered alien aims to land in Washington DC where she could help humanity on a grand geopolitical scale, but ends up in…Kansas! Wrong place, right time? Laugh through and be inspired by this fun, feel-good, moving and captivating tale that reminds us how truly awesome life on Earth and this being-a-human thing is. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Animus Boxed Set 1 (Books 1-4)

Animus Boxed Set 1 (Books 1-4)
This isn’t your average academy series. Animus is all about The Nexus Academy. The future of alien warfare.

It was just one fight, but it changed Kaiden Jericho’s life forever.

He was in a gang but was trying to change his future when a board member of the elite advanced academy NEXUS made a snap decision and offered him a chance.

Then fate, or an unbalanced genius, offered him another.

The Nexus Academy is for the elite trainees from Earth, and now trials from our alien allies, as they teach the future generation how to fight, lead, hack, spy, and many other talents and tactics.

Hired by companies, governments and NGOs, these graduates work to pay off the massive debt their training at the academy accumulates.

You don’t become the best of the best by staying alive. With the Animus, you are closer to perfection with each death you suffer.
Kaiden Jericho would rather skip the death part, thank you very much. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Free: Star Marshals: Moons of Jupiter

Free: Star Marshals: Moons of Jupiter
A benevolent species of alien known as Bopecans have made first contact with Earth. They have helped the human race establish an agency to police the solar system. This agency became known as Star Marshals. Vague messages have arrived from a mysterious source. A pair of marshals are dispatched to the moons of Jupiter to investigate. Free on Kindle.

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The Crimson Deathbringer

The Crimson Deathbringer

Two alien races go to war, and Earth is caught in the middle. Now it is up to an ace fighter pilot, a stuntwoman, a super-assassin and a prankster to save humanity from annihilation. $2.99 on Kindle.

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They’ve watched us for centuries through the Rift. They’ve prepared. Invasion is inevitable.

Rift joins an ensemble cast facing immeasurable obstacles. If you enjoy space battles, prison breaks, androids, and aliens, buried under a shroud of mystery, this book is for you.

A fresh new science fiction adventure from the author of the best-selling Survivors series $0.99 on Kindle.

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