God’s letters: 132 Capital Letters came during a Vision in 2001

God's letters: 132 Capital Letters came during a Vision in 2001
In 2001 a man recorded a vision, which contained 132 capital letters of the Greek alphabet that created a quadrangular shape 11 to 12. A study revealed that the text is readable in 115 different ways in the ancient Greek language and parallel it encloses depictions and symbols. The vision-text, which has as its principal symbol the crucifix of Jesus Christ, turned out to be the Contemporary Revelation. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: The Prophetic Word Made More Sure (Volume 2)

The Prophetic Word Made More Sure (Volume 2)
Forget Hollywood, do you want to know the identity of the antichrist and the lamb with two horns? What about the false prophet and the ten kings, or the three kings and the great harlot? All of these people are alive today, laying their plans for world domination. Are you ready for earth’s last days? Because you’ll probably see them. Believer or not. Christian or not.

We are about to experience the Day of the Lord.

It’s time to trim your lamps. Have you laid up a store of spiritual provisions? Because things are about to get worse than any of us imagined possible. You must know Jesus. Honor Jesus. He’s the only one who can spare you from the wrath that is to come. Not the antichrist. Not the kings. Not the woman or the beast. But Jesus. Free on Kindle.

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Secrets – Never Heard Until Now Of – The Book of Revelation

Secrets – Never Heard Until Now Of – The Book of Revelation
Mysterious stories kept secret for thirty years! Across two millennia, the book of Revelation seems to have lain in a deep crypt, shrouded by its mysteries. Some Christian leaders declared it should not be in the Bible. Have you been waiting for the day that the Holy Spirit would shock the world and validate its mysterious texts? Dare to read the deep secrets hidden in this Inspirational Christian Mystery? $0.99 on Kindle.

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