Greed’s Charity

Greed’s Charity
Mammon, Sin of Greed. Sentenced to five centuries in an abyss of eternal pain, for a kiss. Finally released into a world, he detests, his brothers cannot understand, Mammon is goneā€”all that remains is Greed.

Isabelle spent her life avoiding others. Protecting her mind from the bombarding emotions around her. Now, despite the pain, she steps toward her future. Until an emerald-eyed demon gets between her and an EXIT door.

Greed cannot understand his instant craving for this woman he cannot give up. As the flames of passion ignite between them, powerful forces move to rip them apart and destroy the world. Together they must fight this enemy of humanity. While struggling to save the sliver of light remaining inside a demons shattered soul. $0.99 on Kindle.

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