The Unlikely Investor: A Path to Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

The Unlikely Investor: A Path to Financial Freedom Through Real Estate
“The Unlikely Investor” is your guide to financial independence through real estate, offering proven strategies and tools for all experience levels. Discover how Grant Francke built an $8 million portfolio with a high school education. Learn to cultivate an investor mindset, find and finance deals, manage properties, and partner for growth. Achieve financial freedom with practical advice and real-world examples. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Guide to Financial Freedom: Discover Money Skills for Teens to Retire Early, Tax Strategies, Budgeting, and Rich Habits

Guide to Financial Freedom: Discover Money Skills for Teens to Retire Early, Tax Strategies, Budgeting, and Rich Habits
Is this your story?

Worried about being stuck in the usual 9 to 5 job for the next 40 years? Have you tried other solutions but nothing seems to work?

If you are feeling the urge to seek money-earning alternatives, then this book is for you.
Business owner, investor, and wealth wisdom seeker Christian Prez provides you with a step-by-step blueprint to achieve Financial Independence without waiting a lifetime.

Heres a fraction of what you will discover in this book:
Achieve Financial Freedom by doing the one thing most youngsters are afraid of doing.
Avoid the hidden trap when investing.
The opportunity accessible only to open-minded individuals.
The hidden gem of personal finances.
And so much more!

You will be given practical steps to put into practice what you will learn in this book.
Are you submerged in debt? Don’t have enough time? Don’t have any savings? You NEED this book if you find yourself in any of these situations

Imagine how you would feel if you had the chance to become financially free and you MISSED it.

Get the book NOW, and start building your master plan! $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Financial Insight: Be the Author of Your Life Story

Financial Insight: Be the Author of Your Life Story

No two people with the same amount of money make the same choices.

What is your relationship with money?

Success is often conflated with how much money you have, how much money you earn, and how much money you spend. Instead, what if you shifted your mindset to your values and established your personal definition of success?

Every decision you make—from your partner, to your house, and even your morning coffee —is a financial decision. Financial Insight focuses on learning how to make the best decisions for you, wherever you are, from today moving forward, without judgment. Jodi Carter, a Certified Public Accountant, has spent over three decades working with individuals and small business owners on their quests to financial freedom. Jodi guides you to access freedom now, not at some distant time in the future. By focusing on your goals and incorporating, not denying, them, you journey through life’s financial milestones with confidence.

In Financial Insight, you will:

Explore past financial challenges and sabotaging habits
Identify your own unique financial goals that inspire joy
Discover new perspectives on freedom, growth, harmony, and independence
Pursue healthy habits that allow you to spend and save
Determine what wealth means to you and learn to write your life story accordingly
Walk with Jodi as she reveals the universal truths to achieve an obtainable reality where stress and struggle transform into ease, stability, confidence, and the freedom to live life to the fullest. Free on Kindle.
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Own Your Freedom: How Anyone Can Leverage Real Estate To Create Financial Freedom

Own Your Freedom: How Anyone Can Leverage Real Estate To Create Financial Freedom

Are you ready to own your financial freedom?

“Own Your Freedom” is a book that breaks free from the monotonous cycle of work and saving, offering millennials a pathway to achieve financial security and retire early. With the right mindset, strategic approach, and a dose of hustle, financial freedom becomes an attainable goal. This book serves as a guide to help readers embark on a real estate-driven journey towards wealth creation.

Within the pages of this book, readers will find an abundance of resources to support their quest for financial independence. The author encourages readers to connect with him through social media, where they can access additional insights and tips beyond what is covered in the book. The inside cover provides valuable information, including social media handles and a QR code granting free access to a course based on the author’s experiences.

In this book, you will learn:

They will be motivated by my story because I am normal and did not come from money, just like 99% of people, and my accomplishments should give them hope that they can do the same thing.
They will learn the basic understanding of how I was able to create wealth and financial freedom without using any of my own money.
They will get exact steps and actionable items to learn how to go out and actually implement my strategies.
They will get a free course on how to buy rental properties as a part of buying the book.
They will be entertained with stories and real life examples of how not only I did what I did, but how countless other people are doing the same thing
This book caters to readers at all levels of investing experience. It simplifies the complexities of real estate investing, emphasizing that while it may not be easy, it is indeed simple. Join Sam as he shares his own journey of building a rental property portfolio while working a full-time job, understanding the constraints of a busy lifestyle and limited spare time. Get a copy now! $0.99 on Kindle.
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How to Retire Young and Rich: A Simple Guide to Achieve Financial Freedom. Manage budgeting, taxes, investments step by step.

How to Retire Young and Rich: A Simple Guide to Achieve Financial Freedom. Manage budgeting, taxes, investments step by step.
Is this your story?

Countless hours spent consuming financial content, messing around with trading, crypto, and more, yet true financial freedom still eludes you. You’re wary of the typical 9 to 5 job just to retire at 70 and crave a proven blueprint to rewrite your financial fate.
Your search ends here.

Business owner, investor, and former physicist Christian Pérez provides you with a step-by-step blueprint to achieve Financial Independence without waiting a lifetime.

Dive in and discover:
• Why you need a holistic plan and how to trace it.
• 4 saving strategies that make a difference.
• Insightful budget and tax hacks.
• How to manage the 4 main resources efficiently.
• 5 ways to protect your assets.
• What to do after achieving Financial Independence.
• And so much more!

Imagine how you’ll feel once you are Retired Early, and how your life could change for the better. You could even become the first millionaire in your family who breaks the poverty chain.

You will be given practical steps to put into practice what you will learn in this book. Once you have started, you will have the power to be unstoppable towards your goal.

Turn the page, and begin your journey to a rich, early retirement! $0.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Rich Me Poor Me

Rich Me Poor Me
In this book, you will explore the powerful connection between your mindset and habits and how they can determine your financial future. You will learn the secrets of the world’s most successful individuals and how they have managed to create wealth and abundance in their lives. You will identify the limiting beliefs and habits that may be holding you back from achieving financial freedom. You will also discover how to make the right decisions and develop the habits that will lead you towards financial success. Free on Kindle.
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Independent Financial Freedom for Women

Independent Financial Freedom for Women
Are you a single woman trying to figure out your personal finances? You’re trying to balance living in the moment, while also planning for the future, and you can’t seem to figure out how to manage your money? Let Mandi Mullens teach you all about becoming financially free. $0.99 on Kindle.
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You’re The Author!

You're The Author!

The Wealthful Adventures series inspires mental and financial freedom. These books are a means of liberation through the teaching of life skills that traditional education often fails to acknowledge. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Faster Safer Wealthier: Skip the Start-up and Buy a Stable Business to Build Intergenerational Wealth

Faster Safer Wealthier: Skip the Start-up and Buy a Stable Business to Build Intergenerational Wealth

High-risk entrepreneurship is a tough route to a rich life and financial freedom. Start-up stress, like relying on a once-in-a-lifetime innovation or setting out on a one-track objective of billionaire status, results in detours and setbacks rather than the financial rewards you desire.

Not all businesses are high-risk endeavours though. Substantial, lasting wealth can be built in the space between broke and billionaire—when you reframe your idea of business ownership.

Skip the risky start-up and walk straight into an already cash-flowing company to create and retain wealth! Dr. Gregory Bott’s structured framework for small business acquisition will mitigate risk, accelerate wealth accumulation, and elevate your business for profitable growth. With this step-by-step guide for both new and seasoned entrepreneurs, you can start on a steady path of incremental gains as a rightful business owner—for safer financial success that lasts generations. $0.99 on Kindle.
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A Private Conversation with Money

A Private Conversation with Money

Many people repeat the same struggles with money because of subconscious beliefs, cultural norms, and internal ethical conflicts. This book invites the reader to a healthy relationship with money and wealth.

Joe, a journalist, has a series of provoking conversations with the personality of “Money” that challenge his self-destructive actions. Money invites him to clarify how he looks at the world by reframing his knowledge, behaviors, beliefs, and even how he sees himself. Joe challenges each precept to bring clarity to the reader. The result is an experience that serves not only Joe but those in his world.

“A Private Conversations with Money” also features engaging real-world exercises that invite you, the reader, to follow along with Joe as he unlocks a new rapport with his money.

You will:
– Discover what is blocking your happiness,
– Create new goals that support your values.
– Deliver value that expands your own financial success and freedom.

By knocking down these walls, you’ll go through your own journey of inner healing, paving the way for financial success and true wealth.
$2.99 on Kindle.
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Free: Understand Money: Your First Step to Financial Freedom (And Not Eating Cat Food in Retirement)

Understand Money: Your First Step to Financial Freedom (And Not Eating Cat Food in Retirement)
Isn’t it time you stopped worrying about money and learned to Think Wealthy? Explore the first of a 6-step process that leads to financial independence with debt-free dad and author Todd Havens as he shares the only money talk you’ll ever need to hear.

Because the rules to financial independence are really pretty simple and only need to be learned ONCE.

Do you know what financial freedom feels like? You can breathe. And exhale with no financial stress hanging over your head. And you can think clearly and live your life as YOU want.

A personal finance classic that provides the timeless financial advice that creates millionaires, Understand Money: Your First Step to Financial Freedom will show you:

• The 5 Things Wealthy People Already Know about Money and Teach Their Kids
• What Money Is REALLY For (Beyond Spending)
• The Only Thing That Money Truly Loves in the World
• Whether Money Really Does Equal Happiness
• Money’s Two Main Enemies to Avoid
• How to Use The Money Dam™ to Set Your Financial Goals and Track Your Progress Using Just One Number
• Bonus: The Million Dollars Game
• And more!

Retire rich and spend it all. Or create lasting wealth for your family as a first-generation millionaire. Or simply get a good night’s sleep because you are finally in control of your finances.

The choice is yours when you “get” the simple rules of money and start to Think Wealthy. Free on Kindle.

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