Guarding The American Dream

Guarding The American Dream
Escape the “hustle harder” grind with “Guarding the American Dream,” a guide to creating a values-driven, impactful business. Lisa L. Bray shares strategies to define your purpose, build a profitable enterprise, and positively influence society. This book offers a blend of practical advice and personal insights to guide entrepreneurs toward success, sustainability, and a balanced life, emphasizing ethical business practices and leadership effectiveness. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Own Your Expertise: 13 Entrepreneurs Share Inspiring Stories About Success and Lessons Learned in their Business

Want to discover how to transform your existing knowledge and expertise into a profitable business? “Own Your Expertise” is the definitive guide to unlocking your potential and finding the perfect intersection between your passion, expertise, and market demand. Full of inspirational stories as well as practical and actionable strategies, this book is a must-read! $0.99 on Kindle.
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The Consistency Pill: The 7 Step System to Increase Sales and Transform Your Business

The Consistency Pill: The 7 Step System to Increase Sales and Transform Your Business

Watching online videos, buying courses, attending conferences, or using the latest app may give you a short-term business boost, but these aren’t the answers to unlocking extraordinary and lasting results. The missing supplement to increasing sales and profits is not more personal development. It’s simpler, and without it, you won’t smash any of the sales goals you set—nor grow your business to the level of success you want. Simon Chan reveals that Consistency is the ultimate business-development strategy to power up your productivity, increase your sales, and make more money. Featuring a unique seven-step system and insights from entrepreneurs and successful small-business owners, this guide shares the secrets you need to support your goals and create the mastery that will change your business—and your life. $0.99 on Kindle.
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Conviction Marketing

Conviction Marketing
In a world of trending fads, unqualified “influencers” and surface-level tactics that leave business owners exhausted, overwhelmed, and far from profitable…. Conviction Marketing helps entrepreneurs uncover the secret ingredient to achieving authority and industry leadership in their field.

Conviction Marketing isn’t like other marketing books! Instead of teaching you to chase social media marketing trends that change week by week, this book will help you teach you a unique approach to building thought-leadership in your marketing, even if the most saturated online markets.

In Conviction Marketing entrepreneurs will learn how to:
Stand out on social media
Create marketing messaging that connects with dream clients
Create real influence online
Leverage a SIMPLE marketing strategy that can be applied to any social media platform
Create an online brand that commands attention
Grow their business with an authentic marketing strategy that represents who they really are
This book simplifies your marketing strategy so you can stop chasing social media algorithms, and start creating content that helps you TRULY stand out, even in a saturated market.

If you are serious about building influence online and are looking for a marketing book that walks you step by step through how to create high-value content so you can grow your business and build a legacy, Conviction Marketing is for you! $9.99 on Kindle.
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