The Sensitives


Out of the wormhole came the worst possible news for the Solar System and more particularly Earth. Zzens the front man for the Zulon cartel has evaluated the water rich planet as perfect for growing canapopius. After destroying the planet’s power grid and neutralizing all satellites, Zzens waits on the backside of the Moon allowing the total breakdown of civil life on the planet. The cold-blooded strategy kills half the planet’s population.

After establishing canapopius farms on Earth Zzens becomes aware of a potential human evolution that could thwart his plans. He secures the services of a Kregen, a hired gun mentalist with the ability to crush the evolutionary progress.

The few evolving humans called Sensitives were early in their development. Pulled together by Hunter Weston a quantum physicist with deep interests in the paranormal. They were a mixed bag of adults and kids, and a thin ragged line to stand up to the ruthless Zulon cartel’s intent to kill every human under fifteen. Gregory a nine-year-old Sensitive, with a special gift, provides a potential solution. Before the first canapopius is planted Zzens is confronted with a force that could drive the cartel out of the Solar System. $0.99 on Kindle. (7/8/2015 only)

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