Free: Onvi’s Whimsical Adventure to Blemeron

Onvi's Whimsical Adventure to Blemeron
Join Onvi Basileus in a fantastical adventure to the luxurious cabin of Opinen Tigrossein the Third in order to steal a painting of Queen Asima that will most likely elicit less excitement than the actual journey itself. A tad satirical, a tad adventurous, a tad enticing, Onvi’s Whimsical Adventure to Blemeron provides everything and perhaps too much of what a reader might want from a short story. And yet you’re still reading this? What else do you want? Everything you can imagine awaits at Mount Blemeron! Free on Kindle.
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The Judas Files

The Judas Files
Gabe is making the most of his afterlife in the ninth circle of Hell — until he’s recruited by Judas (yes, that Judas) to join a demonic crew dedicated to releasing mayhem on Earth. Gabe must leave behind his black-market Twinkies and bootleg Dr. Peppers to become a double agent for the most dangerous organization the world has never heard of. Easier said than done, especially when his skill set is limited to irritating quips and an eye for button-fly jeans. To make matters worse, his new partner, Alex, is a beautiful, hard-as-nails agent who wants nothing to do with him. A hell-bound urban fantasy series featuring apocalyptic antics and searing humor.

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Free: Forgotten Gods

Free: Forgotten Gods
The gods are real…and they want their world back.

Thousands of years ago, ancient deities fought a civil war that nearly destroyed the earth. They were defeated by a great warrior—and banished to spend eternity beyond the reach of the humans who once served them.

Their war is raging once again.

And once again, it will require a great hero to save humanity.

Unfortunately for humanity, I’m that hero.

My name is Vic Stratton. I’m no saint, but I’m the best chance we’ve got at surviving the chaos about to be unleashed. But hey, at least I have my good looks, a quick tongue, and the sword of the gods on my side.

And I’m going to need it. Because when the gods return, all hell will break loose.


Forgotten Gods is a fast-paced adventure series with a novel take on the Urban Fantasy genre. Vampires, werewolves, and all manner of monstrous creatures serve the unknown powers of old, but the story centers on the humans who make the heroic choice to fight them.

You won’t forget, Forgotten Gods. Free on Kindle.

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