I’m 25, Now What?

I’m 25, Now What?
Have you found yourself wondering, “Why am I here”? “Is there more to life than what I am experiencing right now?.” “What’s next?” As you look around, it seems everyone else’s life is moving forward but you’re still stagnant. No matter how you try to shake it, you just cannot get rid of these feelings. These thoughts and feelings are all symptoms of The Quarter-Life Crisis and you’re not alone.
In fact, there are countless young people experiencing this same Quarter-Life Crisis. Men and women all around the world find themselves feeling lost, hopeless, purposeless, and uncertain about the future during this time. Unfortunately, most of them are completely unaware of the existence of such a crisis and as a result have no clue how to identify and overcome.

In this book, Gilberta Thompson relates to her readers, the defeated life this crisis brings to its prey. She candidly shares her testimony and gives insight into how she recognized and overcame the challenging period the crisis brought, by building a relationship with Jesus Christ. $1.99 on Kindle.

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