Free: The Disabled Veteran’s Story

Free: The Disabled Veteran’s Story

Sacrifice is not just a word—it is a committed act of great value in the line of service to the world. Those who serve and sacrificed deserve our acknowledgement and respect as they continue to be haunted during their recovery and integration into daily living back home. Everyone has a story. This book shares the heartfelt, compelling stories of legendary sacrifices of our veterans and their families from WWII to present. Miguel Reece was urged to share those chapters in our history by veterans, their parents, family members, and the caretakers themselves. They insisted he not allow their sacrifices to ever be forgotten: the spouse who had to start over seven different times following the military member with their daughter who changed schools nine times in twelve years; the shattered dream of one of the first female pilots and her struggles with the glass ceiling; the amazing Bataan death march survivor—a must read; the man who volunteered for the draft as a way out to pave the way for his family; the Marine mother’s struggles with a son with traumatic brain injury; POWs from WWII and Korea—true love stories; an Ohio National Guardsman at Kent State; survivors, fighters, and patriots from Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan—All True Stories & Stories For All. Read On With Respect and Compassion. Free on Kindle.

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Author: Miguel Reece