Story Trader: Return to Goat Junction (Post Apocalyptic Fiction)

Story Trader: Return to Goat Junction (Post Apocalyptic Fiction)
‘In post apocalyptic Texas, organized tribes are trying to rebuild civilization to at least a medieval level of mankind’s history. The civilized groups are preyed upon by raiders who plunder and enslave them, and by even more primitive tribes of cannibal survivalists. Travel between enclaves is fraught with danger. Few people chance leaving their immediate territory where warlords offer some protection.

Fearsome warriors known as story traders are the exception, providing communication and support to the more civilized tribes. They also provide relief from the drudgery of a world without much entertainment in the form storytelling in the bard tradition. The story traders have become influential and key to the survival of the vestiges of civilization. One such story trader, Stonewall, may be key to the survival of humanity. He has unique abilities and background, but will it be enough to stem the tide of destruction? $2.99 on Kindle.

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