Act of Terror

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Warning: The next attack on American soil will come from within. From coast to coast, our nation is witnessing a new wave of terror. Suicide bombers incite blind panic and paralyzing fear. A flight attendant tries to crash an airliner. A police officer opens fire on fans in a stadium. And at CIA headquarters, a Deputy Director goes on a murderous rampage. The perpetrators appear to be American–but they are covert agents in a vast network of terror, selected and trained for one purpose only: the complete annhiliation of America.

Special Agent Jericho Quinn has seen the warning signs. As a classified “instrument” of the CIA reporting directly to the President, Quinn knows that these random acts of violence pose a clear and present danger. But Quinn may not be able to stop it. The search for terrorists has escalated into an all-out witch hunt. And somehow, Quinn’s name is on the list. . . $1.99 on Kindle